Chapter 1 - The New Kid (part 6)

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   The Middle school bell rang at the same time as the high school, so when it rang the group left to go home. Lucas, Dustin and Will had bikes, while Max had a skateboard, so they went ahead of Mike and El and rode home. Mike and El were driven to school so they had to walk home, Mike was going to go to El's house for dinner and then Nancy was going to come pick him up. They walked towards the forest, there was a path through it that was a shortcut to Hoppers home.

  Slowly, Mike reached around El's arm and laced his fingers through hers. El walked a little bit closer to him. Hand in hand they made their way into the woods

  El finally got the chance to ask him about the gym strip. He explained to her how you had to change for gym. Eleven did not want to have to change in front of the other girls. The last time she tried to change in front of somebody it was a disaster, and she heard her first stream of cuss words from Dustin, she chuckled at the memory. Next she asked what the difference between Mr, Mrs, and Ms was. Along with wondering why you have to call teachers by their last name. She asked a few other questions, and also asked if mike would help her with her lock, because she still did not understand how they worked.

  Suddenly Mike said "This way!" He started running onto a different smaller trail that they had never gone in before. He lead her to a tree overlooking a scenic river valley. On the tree were 6 steps nailed into the trunk, they led to a sturdy platform nestled in between the branches. The platform went all the way around the tree and had a fence surrounding the edges. One part, on the opposite side from the steps, had a roof above it. "Follow me." Mike stated as he started up the ladder. Eleven followed closely behind.

  They made it to the top and sat down on the edge that faced the river valley, holding hands. The spot they were sitting at had no rail so you could sit with your feet hanging over the edge. Mike started explaining what this place was. "About four years ago me, Lucas, Dustin and Will decided we wanted to build a tree fort, this seemed like the perfect tree, so we would find
wood at the junkyard and bring it back here, we 'borrowed' a hammer and nails from Wills shed. We spent the entire summer building it. We all promised to keep this place a secret, but you've saved our lives multiple times so I think it's okay that you know.  Besides Lucas and Dustin told Max about you, so they owe you one." He paused "I had forgotten about this place until I saw the path we made to get here"

  El smiled and looked out over the river valley, she leaned her head on his shoulder. He moved his arm around her back and pulled her close

  "I hated being away from you" El whispered.

  "I never want to lose you again" Mike replied

  "You won't lose me Mike"

He turned to face her as she leaned into him. Slowly, their lips met, this wasn't like the times they had kissed before, this time, they could feel heat pulsing through their bodies. They wanted more. As their lips parted they leaned into each other and kissed again. This was their first kiss that felt.... real. The last kiss was long and slow. This time when their lips parted, they both smiled and leaned their heads against each other's. They stared off into the distance, arms wrapped around each other.

  They sat like that for a few minutes, silent. They both took in the reality of their kiss. Mike thought about it, he thought he loved El. But should he say it? He decided to go for it. He opened his mouth and took a deep breath. Suddenly El gasped, cutting him off before he even got started. "Six fifteen! Were late!" She said, looking at Mike's watch. They scrambled down the tree, and grabbed each other's hands again at the bottom. They began running towards Hoppers house. Mike was going to have to find another time to tell her.

  The house came into view and they slowed down, they were walking up the porch steps when they heard a thump coming from inside the trailer. El let go of his hand and raced in the door. Mike tried to follow, but was slowed when he tripped on the last step. A scream came from inside. "MIKE!!!" Came Eleven's voice in a blood-curdling scream, it was like no sound Mike had ever heard before.

~End of Chapter One~

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