Chapter 8 - The takedown (part 8)

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~Max, Will, Dustin and Mike~
~walking to the pumpkin patch after escaping the lab.~

The four teenagers found their way to the road and began speed walking in the direction of the pumpkin patch. Will was worried about leaving Hopper behind, what if something happened to him?

Eventually they made it to the pumpkin patch. Lucas came running over when he saw them. When they didn't show up on time, Lucas was worried.

"Your okay!" He exclaimed as he raced over. Without even realizing what he was doing, he opened his arms and engulfed Max in a hug. She hugged him back tightly, but whispered something to him.

"I thought we weren't telling them about us yet." She whispered, quiet enough that no one else could hear.

"I don't care if they know, I'm just happy that your safe." Lucas replied. They pulled away slightly from the hug and their eyes met. They both began to lean closer to each other when someone cleared their throat. It was Mike.

"We are all still here." Mike complained.

Lucas and Max let go of each other and their cheeks grew red.

At this point Steve, Nancy and Jonathan caught up to them, Billy and Robin did not bother to come over.

"Mike! Where have you been?!" Nancy exclaimed. The two siblings quickly embraced.

At the same time that Nancy found Mike, Jonathan found Will.

"Are you okay!?" Jonathan asked. After all that had happened to Will in the past, Jonathan was no longer concerned about where he was, he just wanted to know that his brother was okay. Will nodded and the two also quickly embraced.

"Where have you guys been? Where is Hopper?" Steve asked in a fatherly tone.

"We we're leaving when these people put guns to our heads! They locked us in this room and handcuffed us. They were all like 'tell us where the girls are!" And then Hopper asked to speak to them in a different room and then Max had this pin! And she undid all the handcuffs and we snuck out of the lab!" Dustin exclaimed really fast.

"Wait! Slow down! Hopper is still at the lab? With who?" Steve asked.

"He's with Dr. Owens, and that other guy, that El calls Papa." Will said in a shaky voice. "Someone should go back for him." Will turned to his brother. "Jonathan, you and me and a couple other people can go rescue him right?"

"No no no. No one is going anywhere, we are going to stay put where Hopper knows to meet us if he finds a way out. we are going to find some way to start digging, I have two shovels in my car, but the chief was bringing the rest, we can take turns with the two.

Steve walked off to his car to get the shovels.

"But Jonathan! We need to go back for him!" Will complained. "We can't just leave him there! You have never been to the upside down, you don't know what it's like, but I do. And I can not just sit by and leave him with the people that found it and left me to die in it!" Will was determined.

"You heard Steve. He said no and we have to listen, it's for your own good!" Jonathan retorted. Then walked off to help dig.

Will did not know what to do, he had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was going to happen to Hopper.

After they had been digging for about 15 minutes, they finally broke through and slime appeared on the shovels.

Just then, they heard the shrieking noise again, behind a row of trees, a big black cloud slowly rise up, even bigger than it was before.

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