Chapter 8 - The Takedown (part 4)

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Slowly, Hopper put his hands up. The kids copied. All arms raised in surrender. Hopper so badly wanted to fight them, but he couldn't risk these teenagers lives. He was not the same man he used to be. The old Hopper was always drunk, didn't have a care in the world about anything. That Hopper would not have hesitated to try and fight these guys. He wouldn't have cared if he ended up dying, at that point he had no reason to live.

But that Hopper was gone. The new one could not do something that risky. He had a daughter now that meant the world to him. He was the only real parent El had ever had and could not leave her. He now cared about his life, and the lives of others. If something happened to one of these kids because of him, Hopper would not be able to live with himself. So he just stayed frozen with his arms raised.

"Into that room." Dr. Brenner's cold voice demanded.

They walked into the room to reveal several chairs in the middle of the floor, about three feet apart from each other.

With the guns trained on their heads, Dr. Brenner and Dr. Owens marched the five of them into five of the seats. They came around and handcuffed both hands of each person to the chair they were sitting in. The arms on these chairs were strangely high up. Their hands and arms sat very far from the rest of their body's, to stop them from being able to draw weapons.

"I'll repeat my question. Where. Are. The. Girls?" Dr. Owens asked this time.

Had Dr. Owens known about Sarah the entire time? Had he kept that from Hopper? Last year with El and Bob and everything, everyone had been led to believe that Dr. Owens was a good guy, but it was clear now that he was not. What other secrets has he been keeping?

"If you had read closely on Elevens adoption papers, you would have seen that part of the deal was that you keep your nose out of our business, and we let you keep El. But you just had to come back:" Dr. Owens eerily informed.

"Because you had my daughter! I came back for my daughter! How dare you keep her from me!"

"We gave you another daughter in exchange, now didn't we?" Dr. Owens commented.

"No! Human beings are not replaceable, you cannot just replace Sarah with El! Both of them are my daughters."

"Cut the chit chat. Now tell us, where are the girls?" Demanded Dr. Brenner.

"I don't know where Sarah is. And Jane is legally my daughter so I don't have to tell you where she is." Hopper would never give away either of their locations. He used El's real name so that they would think that the name the Lab has given her meant nothing to her.

"Not just Sarah and Eleven, you're forgetting one." Dr. Owens announced.

Forgetting one? Hopper thought it was only Sarah and El that they were after, but were they still after Kali?

Dr. Brenner continued. "We see that Sarah is missing from her room. It is obvious you have taken her. And Eleven...since you have failed to keep your end of the bargain for her adoption, we will be taking her back. And then there is Eight. We know that you have had contact with her. In fact we know that she is here. In Hawkins. In fact, thank you for bringing her here. We have been on the lookout for this girl ever since her and her little gang began eliminating my men. Killing them off one by one... and yes, we know about that too. Trust me, we know more than you think."

Well maybe they knew about that, but Hopper and the kids there did not. This girl that Eleven called her sister was a criminal? A murderer? That girl was out driving with the other kids and his deputy! What if she did something to them?

He wanted to tell them where Kali was,  but he couldn't risk the others getting hurt.

"Tell is or we will hurt one of them!" Dr. Owens pointed the gun at Max's head.

Dr. Brenner walked up to her "Shall it be the pretty little girl." He took a piece of her red hair in his hand. "It would be a shame to ruin this beautiful head of hair."

"Leave the kids alone!" Hopper ordered.

Dr. Brenner walked up to him and tightened his handcuffs, making the metal cut into his skin, causing him to bleed. "Not until you talk."

Hopper grunted in pain.

"So the girl it is then?" Dr. Owens added.

"Leave her alone!" Came another voice. Dustin.

"Or maybe it should this one." Dr. Brenner walked over to Dustin. "Just some poor little boy trying to save his crush, how adorable."

"What? Ew! I do not like her! Her boyfriend is one of my best friends!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Max protested.

At that Will, being the only one that knew that Max and Lucas were dating again, snickered.

"Oh! I know." Dr. Brenner exclaimed as Dr. Owens moved the gun so it was pointed at Wills head. "It should be the zombie boy." Dr. Brenner knew about his nickname. "The boy that you have worked so hard to save! Who supposedly came back from the dead. Maybe he should go back there, back to the dead."

"I said leave them alone!" Hopper yelled. Dr. Owens let the gun down for a second and walked over to Hopper, pulling something out of his pocket. A taser.

He jabbed it into Hoppers shoulder, causing Hopper to scream and grunt in pain as he puked up water. Just like 2 years before.

He doctors were having fun with this and they didn't want to stop just yet, not until they had gotten to all of the kids.

Dr. Owens walked back in front of them, and this time aimed the gun at Mike.

Dr. Brenner walked over to Mike. "Or should it be this one? Elevens lover. I know it would just break her heart to know that you let him die. All because of her." He taunted.

Hopper had finally somewhat recovered from the taser. "STOP. IT. NOW!" He demanded. "I want to talk to you two. Alone." He pointed his head towards Dr. Owens and Dr. Brenner.

Dr. Brenner, who was clearly still in charge, nodded his head. Dr. Owens then walked over to Hopper and un handcuffed him from the chair, and put his hands behind his back before he re handcuffed him.

They led him outside into the hallway.


"Remember, only Kali, if you touch a hair on any of the others heads I will end you." Hopper reminded as they stood outside the room, about to go back in. They had taken Hopper into a different office to talk. Hopper remembered one more thing. "And you will let me and those 4 kids go."

"Yes." Dr. Brenner stated. They took off Hoppers handcuffs and he shook hands with both Doctors.

They opened the door to retrieve the children, but they were out of sight and in the room sat 4 empty chairs.

Finally got this chapter out, so sorry for the wait!

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