Chapter 1 - The New Kid (part 3)

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  El thought back to the time she almost killed a man with Callie, she wasn't a killer. Slowly, she lowered her head, her right arm raised up, her hand opened slowly. Blood dripped out of her nose like a waterfall. Her mouth creeped open. A scream escaped her mouth. She stood there shrieking at the cloud. Giving it her death glare. A shriek escaped from the cloud as it disappeared into the nearly gone sun.

  Max ran out and gave El a hug. El was stunned. Did she just save this girls life? She felt pretty good about it, if it wasn't for her, someone would be dead. Maybe Max wasn't so bad. Slowly and cautiously eleven let her arms wrap around Max.

  Max broke away and went and gave Lucas a hug. Mike walked over to El and put an arm around her. "I'm not a huge fan of Max either but I'm proud of you, you saved a life" he whispered, then leaned over and kissed her on the side of her head. Eleven smiled towards the ground and put her head on Mikes shoulder, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, she loved Mikes smell, it felt familiar, safe.

  "Let's get out of here! Max exclaimed, unintentionally breaking up Mike and Elevens moment.

  The group left the junkyard in a hurry, on the way back it was silent, everyone was frightened by the near-death experience. What was the cloud? Dustin, breaking the silence, asked, " so are you too dating again?"

  "You just noticed Dustin? We were back together as soon as she returned." Mike joked

  "Gee, thanks, I hadn't noticed..... but what about those two?"

"What? No, no." Max and Lucas chorused

  "You sure about that Romeo and Juliet?"

"Romeo and Juliet?! Seriously." Max huffed, rolling her eyes.

  Suddenly a twig snapped nearby. The group immediately clung together, still shaken from the junkyard. Eleven froze again, breathing heavily. A squeak escaped her mouth. "Eleven!!" Mike gasped. What was wrong with her

  "Mike?" Came a feminine voice.

  "Nancy!" The group said, relieved

  Nancy and Jonathan emerged from the trees, camera in hand. Eleven immediately relaxed when she saw what the sound was. "Are you guys okay? you look like you've seen a ghost!" Jonathan exclaimed. Jonathan and Nancy had been photographing the wilderness, Nancy was learning about photography.

  "No, no, we're fine" Will informed his brother. With nothing more then a weird look, Nancy and Jonathan joined the group, and headed back towards the Wheelers.

  "Mike, can I talk to you?" Nancy asked

  "Yeah sure." Nancy and Mike stayed behind from the rest of the group.

  "I know your lying, about everything being fine, what happened?" Nancy started. She was worried about her brother. "And don't you dare say nothing, you can talk to me."

  "Okay, well we were at the junkyard..." Mike went on to tell her what had happened with Max. Nancy looked stunned, that sounded like the cloud that escaped Will! She didn't dare tell Mike, she didn't want him to have to get caught up in something to do with the upside down again. Instead she hugged him and then they went and caught up with the group.

  Finally they reached the Wheeler household. The boys and Max and El went downstairs to watch TV while Jonathan and Nancy went to the living room. Karen and Ted had gone to bed long ago, not even knowing that Mike and Nancy were not home yet.

  Nancy sat on the couch, curled up against Jonathan's side. He turned towards her and their lips met. After one kiss, Nancy looked down, debating wether to tell Jonathan about the cloud. She decided to go for it. She told him what Mike said.

  "They're kids! They exaggerate stuff, it was probably just fog and Max got lost in it or something." Was Jonathan's response

    Nancy got defensive of her brother. "Are you calling my brother a liar?"

  "No, I'm just saying that there might not be as much to the story as you were told"

  "Even after everything that happened last year, and the year before, you don't think this is weird?" Nancy was furious with him

  "The gate is closed! There's nothing from the upside down in this world! And what are the chances of something like that happening to us again?"

  Nancy paused for a minute. Then turned to him. "It's late. You should go." Was what she said, but what she wanted to do was yell at him, she didn't even really know why she was this furious with him.

  "Fine, then I will" Jonathan walked the top of the stairs. "Will! We have to go, get up here. Now." Will came up in a hurry, Jonathan sounded mad. Jonathan stormed out the door and Will hurried after him, waving bye to an angry Nancy. He didn't even want to know what had happened.

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