Chapter 7 - The Plan (part 2)

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"Oh look! It's deputy Steve Harrington." Billy said sarcastically.

Steve rolled his eyes. Billy lifted up his arm as another car door slammed. Out of the car came a girl. She walked straight to his side and he rested his arm across her shoulders.

"Robin?" Steve asked, remembering the nurse.

"Oh look, it's Lucas Sinclair, I'm surprised that I don't see my sister glued to your side." Billy stated before Robin could answer Steve's question.

"That's not important. Did you hit Mrs. Henderson's car?" Steve questioned, turning back into a deputy.

"I honked my horn, it's not my fault she didn't move." Billy rolled his eyes.

Dustin mom looked mad and disagreed with his statement.

While Steve tried to sort out what happened, the boys turned to Dustin. "You were sick as a dog when you left Lucas's house, what happened?" Will questioned.

"Well, we got stuck here after Billy hit us, and then suddenly, it just disappeared and I felt fine, I don't know what happened." Dustin explained.

What the heck? Maybe it wasn't the flower that made him sick. But then why did it make Hopper sick?

Steve eventually came to the conclusion that it was not Mrs. Henderson's fault, after taking he story from Dustin, his Mom, Billy, and Robin. There were no more witnesses around though because the store was closed now. He wrote Billy a fine and took his drivers license number down, he would have points taken off. (Sorry if that's not how licenses work in Indiana, all I know is how they work where I live and here they get demerit points taken off for stuff like this and insurance price goes up)

Steve went over to take a look at Mrs. Henderson's car. It was hard to see due to the fact that the sun had gone down. He was looking in the hood when Billy walked over to him. Oh great, just what he needed right now.

Billy set his hand on the car as he began talking. "I hear that you think my girlfriend is delusional Harrington, and quite frankly, I don't like it, or you."

Steve froze. Had she told him about El? "Well Hargrove, what did your so called girlfriend tell you?" Steve tried to sound relaxed, but really, he was freaking out inside. What exactly did Billy know?

"She told me that you didn't believe her about something." Billy spat.

"Because She was making stuff up, I mean, she can't be in her right mind if she would date you." Steve shot back.

"Jealous?" Billy asked.

"Not one bit." Steve replied, slightly lying, she seemed nice, and he felt bad for her being stuck with Billy. He went back to working on the car.

Steve found a loose cable in the engine and tried tightening it. He nodded at Mrs. Henderson to try starting it again.

She pressed the clutch and turned the key. The engine roared to life. Steve closed the hood of the car as Mrs. Henderson got out to thank him.

Steve remembered something. Max and El were sitting back at Dustin's house. They would have to go pick them up. He asked Dustin's mom if she could take a couple kids to her house, and then he would pick them up from there. It would give everyone a break from being squished. Mrs. Henderson nodded.

"You two!" He pointed to Lucas and Will, just picking two kids randomly, they happened to be standing next to each other. "Your going with Dustin and we will pick you up from his house." He ordered.

The two obliged and got in the backseat of Mrs. Henderson's dented car.

Nancy, Jonathan, Mike, and Steve all got back into Mrs. Byers car, with Jonathan at the wheel. They pulled out of the parking lot a couple of minutes after Mrs. Henderson. They were driving towards Dustin's house when Steve's radio came on. It was Joyce, through Hoppers radio.

"Steve, we need you to come to my house, we need to talk to you. You can bring the kids." Then she was gone, before Steve had a chance to respond. He tried to radio her back but there was no answer. He couldn't let her find her house in the mess that it was in. But there was nothing he could do about it.

He quickly turned onto a different road that would take him to the Byers house, hoping that he could get there first, before Joyce and Hopper.

Their driveway came into view and he slowed to make the bend. His headlights shone through the darkness as he pulled into the driveway.


A car followed behind Steve. They kept their distance to keep him from noticing.

"Careful! Don't get too close!" A feminine voice muttered.

"I know, I know!" Responded a masculine voice.

"He's turning right!"  Exclaimed the feminine voice.

"I can see that!" The masculine one responded. "Where is he going anyway, I thought he was going to the Henderson's!"

The two watched as Steve turned onto the Byers driveway.

"Isn't this the house of that zombie boy?" Asked the girl.

"Yes, and why the hell is he going to this house?" The man added.

They pulled the car over outside of the driveway and waited. Listening to the quiet hum of the radio sat Billy and Robin.

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