Chapter 7 - The Plan (part 4)

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Steve stood up, walking over to Hopper. "There is something you should know." He began. "There was a break in at the middle school, just like this, yesterday, and here and there, we could not find where the intruder got in." He looked at his shoes, not wanting to admit the next part because it scared the heck out of him. "And...there is the junkyard." He paused, feeling like he was forgetting something. "Oh! And there is a nurse named robin, who has figured out what is going on, and I tried to convince her otherwise, but she didn't believe that's just great." He finished sarcastically.

"Holy ****. That's not good." Hopper concluded. He tried to start saying something else. "" He stumbled to get the words out.

Joyce put a hand on his shoulder and stepped forward. "Sarah...his daughter...she's alive, and in the lab." Joyce informed the others.

There was a gasp from the room. Then everyone was silent for a minute, not knowing what to say.

"And" Eleven stuttered, now calmer than before.

"Yes, he's in...Chicago." Joyce said calmly.

El reached for Mike's hand, holding it tight.

"We need to hunt that son of a ***** down." Mike said sternly, speaking up for El."

"My sister" Eleven began, tapping on her tattoo to explain to the others what she meant be 'sister'. "she's in Chicago."

"Sister? How do you know" Hopper asked.

"Long Story." El shot back, staring him in the eye. "She needs to know, Papa hurt her too."

El had been in a little bit of contact with Kali over the past year. She had a phone number for her.

Eleven got up and walked over to the phone, ignoring Hopper who was telling her to sit back down. She picked up the phone and dialled Kali's number, in which she had memorized. Rrring, rrring, rrring. It rang three times. El was beginning to get doubtful that she was going to answer. Right before El was about to hang up there was a click.

"Hello?" Came a girls voice, with a slight accent from the other end.

"Kali." Eleven responded.


"Yes, it's me, I need to tell you something."

She could hear Hopper telling her not to phone her, but it was too late, she shook her head at him.

"Oh?" Kali asked.

"Papa...he is in Chicago."

There was a gasp from the other end, followed by silence. Suddenly Footsteps neared and a hand grabbed the phone from her. Hopper.

He spoke into the phone. "I'm sorry, but Jane needs to hang up now." Hopper almost yelled into the phone, he was about to hang up when the voice on the other end spoke again.

"Wait. You must be Hopper, Jane's Dad. My name is Kali, me and Jane were both raised in the lab." Hoppers heart filled with compassion for this girl. That is what Eleven meant by 'sister.' Kali continued. "I want to find Papa, where is he?" She asked. Hopper could her the anger in her voice.

He sighed before pulling an envelope out of his pocket. "He lives at 75 Westland Avenue. Now Kali, I need you to listen to me. We need him to come to Hawkins. Alive. I need you to find a friend of yours that he will not recognize, one that you can trust to not ask too many questions, have your friend tell Dr. Brenner that they are from the lab here, and need him to come immediately, we will handle him when he gets here." Hopper instructed.

"Okay. Tell Jane I said goodbye." There was a click as Kali hung up the phone.

Hopper and El stood there silent for a minute before making their way back to the living room.

Hopper explained that Kali was going to get Dr. Brenner to come to Hawkins.

"Now, how do we get Sarah out of the lab?" Joyce asked when Hopper finished talking.

Suddenly a rapid knocking on the door interrupted. Joyce rushed over to open it. There stood nurse Robin. She pointed to the sky behind them. "Get out of here!" Robin exclaimed, before racing away out of the driveway. Joyce didn't understand what she meant, there was just a dark black cloud in the night sky, then she saw it, the cloud moved, faster than any cloud should, it was coming straight for her house. It was squealing as it made the distance shorter with every second.

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