Chapter 3 - The Flower (part 3)

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  Mike helped Nancy to her feet and they started walking towards Hops room when the door opened and in walked Steve. Oh no! Nancy thought. Did he come here for me? He walked over to her and Mike.

  "Hey Nance, Mike." He greeted. "Are you okay Nance?" She looked like she had been crying. Nancy nodded. Steve continued "I have a meeting with a paramedic. About something strange they saw on a 911 call. I was wondering if you knew anything about that, before my meeting." Steve asked Mike

  "Well, El was mad when they wouldn't let her go with Hop in the ambulance. I stopped her before anything bad happened."

  "Okay thanks, I won't let her know about El."

  "Good luck with your meeting." Mike wished

  Mike and Nancy walked into Hops room. He was still unconscious. When Mike walked in El walked over to him and hugged him. She laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

  Meanwhile Steve went to the front desk where he found the paramedic waiting. "Hi I'm Robin." She introduced herself

  "Officer Harrington." He greeted, then shook her hand. She was a young paramedic. She was quite pretty with long blonde hair all tied up in a bun. Steve remembered her from school, she was in the grade above him, but was known because she was a the youngest in her grade. She had started a year too soon.

  They went into an empty office and Steve asked Robin to tell her what she saw. Robin explained the scene in great detail. She told him about how when she saw El close her fist, a glass planter broke, and how right after that her nose began to bleed.

  Steve tried to contradict what she was saying. "I'm not saying I don't believe you, but it does sound like some of it could be a coincidence. Maybe the planter had a crack in it already and the wind caused it to give out. And I've heard teenage girls often get nosebleeds due to, you know, puberty. I think what you've seen is a young girl, terrified about her father, feeling angry, and willing to do anything to be able to go along with her dad. People don't have powers like you're suggesting."

  Robin, feeling angry that Steve didn't believe her, stood up. She yelled "Listen. I know something strange is going on here, and I know your lying to me. I want to know the truth!"

  Steve stood up too. "First of all, you better start treating an officer better. You have no right to speak to me like that. Second off, I'm not lying, I think your delusional. What you have described isn't possible. I have to go now, thank you for sharing your information with me." Steve turned and walked away. He left the room, and went straight to Hoppers room, to see how everyone there was doing. Little did he know that Robin followed him.

  From a ways behind, Robin watched him walk into Hoppers room. He knew something that he wasn't telling her. She knew that. He was lying to her, but why? Why would he go into that room if he didn't know the people in there? And if he knew the people in there, he knew what was going on. Robin decided that she was going to get to the bottom of this.

  Steve entered the room and found Nancy, Mike, El, Joyce and Jonathan in there. Jonathan and Nancy sat on opposite sides of the room. Did they break up like Nancy thought they might? Mike was asleep in his chair. El and Joyce had their chairs closer to Hopper and looked worried.

  "Steve?" Jonathan asked.

  "That's my name." Steve replied.

  "Is there already something going on between you two?" Jonathan jumped to conclusions.

  "Jonathan!" Nancy exclaimed strictly. "Let's talk. Outside. Now!" Jonathan followed

  "How dare you jump to conclusions like that, we only broke up this morning!" Nancy yelled once the door was closed.

  "Then why did he come? It must have been to see you!" Jonathan argued

  An uninvited Steve came out the door. "Okay look Jonathan. There is nothing going on between me and your princess here. I am simply a friend who wanted to see how my friends were holding up. And Hop is my boss, remember?"

  Jonathan looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I just.....I can't be here right now. I'm going home."

  Jonathan left. Steve and Nancy went back into the hospital room. After about half an hour of sitting there, Nancy leaned over to Steve. "Jonathan is walking home, and his house is a bit farther than where we saw the cloud. He will be walking right past where the cloud almost got me!" She whispered

  "Let's go!" Steve exclaimed. Even though he didn't like Jonathan it was his duty to protect everyone in this town. Nancy and Steve ran to Steve's car and jumped in.

  Steve drove as fast as he could to Jonathan's house. Sure enough along the way they saw Jonathan running for his life. The pulled over and yelled "Get in!!" Jonathan saw them and raced for the car. He jumped in and the car squealed away.

  "There was...This, this, huge thing!" Jonathan tried to explain. "How did you guys find me?"

  "The cloud almost got me here the other day." Nancy explained. They were  driving back towards the hospital when they saw a group of kids riding their bikes towards the Byers house. Steve stopped the car and waved them over.

  "Steve!" Dustin exclaimed.

  "Are you guys going to Wills?" Steve asked.

  "Yeah." Will answered.

  "You can't." Steve answered. "It's not safe right now. You guys need to go to someone's house, that isn't through these woods and then later tonight I will drive you home. You can't be out biking right now."

  "But—" Dustin started.

  "No buts Dustin."

  Jonathan and Will were talking. Jonathan told him he would explain later. The kids went back to Lucas's house and Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve decided they had to get to the bottom of this.

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