Chapter 8 - The Takedown (part 3)

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"It's still in the building" Will muttered.

Kali and Eleven shared a glance, both nodding their heads. "We can kill it." El said, determined."

At this, Hopper stood up from his seat. "No. I will not have another one of my daughters taken by that thing.

"I can do this!" Eleven argued.

"I said no!" Hopper yelled.

"You-you don't trust me! You don't believe in me!" Eleven yelled back.

"Jane Hopper! You are not going anywhere near that thing. Do you hear me?!"

Jane? No one called Eleven that except Kali, but that was only because she didn't know that everyone else called her El. She loved her name, even though the name Eleven came from the lab, it was unique, it was hers. And Mike had taken it and made it so much better. He made her El.

Hopper only ever called her Jane a few times, when he was really mad or being really firm.

She muttered a small 'okay' angrily and looked at the ground. She would normally have fought back, but she didn't want to with everyone watching.

After their argument almost everyone became silent. They slowly split up into groups talking.

Mike and Eleven sat against the wall in the corner and whispered to each other.

"Daddy is being so unfair. I know I can kill it." El complained.

Mike rubbed her back. "He just wants to protect you. He just lost Sarah again to that thing."

"Sarah doesn't have powers."

Mike didn't know what to say, he was on Hoppers side with this. He didn't want to lose El either.

Max, Lucas, Will and Dustin sat on some chairs around the table, not too far from Mike and El. They were all thinking over the recent events.

"It was the cloud." Max muttered.

"What?" The other three questioned in unison.

"It was the cloud that destroyed the Byers house!" She exclaimed. "I mean, look what it did to those papers, it just did that to everything in their house."

"And the school!" Will added.

"But how did it get in?" Lucas questioned.

At this point Mike jumped in, he had been listening to their conversation while he and Eleven sat silently. "Through the walls." He suggested. "Think about it, two years ago, the demegorgon came through the wall in the Byers house, and the school. Then last year Hopper went to the upside down through the pumpkin patch, witch is near the junkyard. Each time something passed between the dimensions, it created a portal, we closed off the main gate, but all these other little portals still exist."

The group had not been quiet and everyone else could now hear them.

"We need to draw that son of a ***** into one of the portals, and close them off for once and for all." Steve demanded.

"What about..." Joyce trailed off but tilted her head towards Hopper, trying to let Steve know that she was concerned about Sarah, without actually saying it for Hopper's sake.

Hopper noticed this. "If that thing got her she already gone. We need to kill this sucker."

(A few minutes later as they are leaving the room)

"Okay, When you are done putting out the bait along to road, you guys need to radio me and tell me so we will know when to expect the cloud." Hopper instructed the older teens. He turned to Eleven. "And you need to be careful okay, I won't be there to protect you." He turned to the rest of the kids. "You eight need to listen to what I say. Now let's get a move on."

Here was the plan: The adults and kids were going to the pumpkin patch to open up the portal again. The teens were going to lay out a path of meat that they had found in the fridge along the road. They didn't know if it would eat meat but it was the best they could do. When the cloud arrived at the pumpkin patch, they would lure it into the portal and then El would close it up. Joyce was going to drive Eleven around to her house and the school while Hopper and the other kids dig out the portal so that she could close those gates too, and then make it back to the pumpkin patch in time.

Joyce and Eleven left fairly quickly and headed towards the school. The teens headed out a different door with the meat and got in the cars. They were going to place a piece every half a mile or so. They were taking two vehicles, one was going to drop off Lucas, Erica and her friend at the pumpkin patch then work their way back until they met up with the other group, that was coming from the lab.

Steve got in the car with the kids, and to his surprise Robin got in beside him. She had told Billy that she needed to go over some of Hoppers medical stuff with Steve. That car drove off towards the pumpkin patch.

Billy, Jonathan and Nancy got in the other car. Jonathan and Nancy had put a stop to their arguing for now.

Hopper led Dustin, Will, Max and Mike towards a different door. The groups had all come out of different doors so they wouldn't draw the clouds attention just yet.

They were almost to the door when two figured stepped out of a closet into the light. They heard two clicks as the barrel of 2 guns pointed at them. One voice spoke.

"If anyone moves they are dead."

The other voice spoke. "Now, where are the girls?"

They were the voices of Dr. Martin Brenner and Dr. Sam Owens.

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