Chapter 3 - The Flower (part 1)

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  El sat up quickly, it took her a second to realize where she was. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the air. She climbed out of bed to find Joyce putting them onto 4 different plates. "I was hoping you'd wake up soon" Joyce greeted her. "Will, Jonathan, breakfast!" She yelled. She put the plates down on the table and told El she could take a seat.

  El sat down as a sleepy eyed Will submerged from his room and sat down, a couple minutes later Jonathan came out of his room. The four of them ate breakfast. Joyce's scrambles eggs were way better than the ones Hopper makes. His are always burnt. And it tasted like she added some sort of spice to them to give them more flavour.

  After breakfast Joyce asked if she could do El's hair. She always loved doing other peoples hair, but she had boys, so she couldn't do their hair. She made a braid that went all the way around her head, like a crown. And then left some pieces laying down in the back that she curled. Would this be what it would be like to have a mother? El wondered

  School had been cancelled today due to the break in at the middle school. Joyce had called the hospital earlier and not much has changed, but they could go in to see him.

  El got changed into Nancy's clothes. Joyce asked Will if he was coming to the hospital. He had decided not to, and was going to go find Dustin, Lucas and Max.

  Jonathan came out of his room, in clothes instead of pyjamas this time. He had decided he was coming. That was weird. El thought, but then remembered he was dating Nancy. The three of them got into the car. It was a lot less squishy with only 3 people. They drove over to Mikes house and Jonathan and Joyce waited in the car as El went inside to get them. She found them sitting at the table eating. She sat down and Mike offered her a piece of toast, which she declined because she was full from breakfast.

    They finished eating and went out to the car. Nancy saw Jonathan sitting up front and immediately turned around and went back inside. Mike followed her. "Nancy wait!" He called. He caught up to her by the front door. "Please, come for my sake."

    "I just don't want to see him right now." Nancy explained

  "Then don't talk to him. Just please, come."

  Nancy reluctantly gave in. For Mikes sake. The three of them climbed in. "Hey Nancy." Jonathan greeted. Mike shook his head at him, signalling that now was not the best time.

  They arrived at the hospital. El jumped out of the car and raced inside. Mike followed her, trying to keep up. She raced to his room and ran in the door. Hop laid on the bed. Still. Mike followed her and entered a couple seconds later. El was already sitting in the chair next to him, holding his hand. Mike sat by the wall, and let El be.

  A couple minutes later Joyce came in. With no Jonathan or Nancy. Joyce sat down too and did that thing where she clenched her fists.

  Out in the lobby, Nancy had left the group to go for a walk, not knowing Jonathan would follow. She walked around the corner and crouched down. Leaning against the wall, she pulled her knees towards her chest, bent down her head and began to cry. Was she being selfish? Hop was sick, possibly even dying. And here she was, crying about her relationship. Why did Jonathan have to come? Were things really over?

  As she thought about all of these questions she felt a warm arm wrap around her shoulders. Jonathan. She didn't know wether to shake it off or lean into him. She decided not to do either, she just sat there and let him put his arm around her. He leaned in to try to hold her, and then she refused, moving away from him.

  "Hey," He said. "Sorry about the other night" Nancy was silent. They sat side by side against the wall for the next 5 minutes, in total silence. They got a few odd glances from nurses walking by.

  Eventually Jonathan asked, "What's happening to us Nancy?"

  Tears began to pool in Nancy's eyes again. "I don't know Jonathan. Lately, I just haven't been feeling a connection between us. I feel like we're growing apart. But, I don't want to lose you Jonathan. I didn't know what would happen if we saw each other again. That's why I avoided you."

  "I know what your talking about. I...I've been feeling like that for a while, but I didn't want to let you go. You were the first girl I ever loved. I know, it was selfish, but I just don't know what I'd do without you. But..I....I think....I think it might be..." Jonathan just couldn't bring himself to say the word over. Nancy nodded, knowing what he was trying to say.

  They embraced, both holding back tears. Then Jonathan got up and went back to find his mother, to see how she was holding up. Nancy stayed by herself, and sobbed. She loved Jonathan, she really did, she just knew that things weren't working out.

  A few minutes later Mike came out and found her, he sat beside her. "You should be with El." Nancy told him.

  "She's okay right now. I think you need me more. I saw Jonathan come in alone, he looked like he was trying not to cry, so I figured I'd come find you."

  "Mike, we ended it. And, I don't know  what to do right now. I can't go in there with him, but I don't want to lose him as a friend." She sobbed. Mike pulled her in for a hug. She cried and all that Mike had to do was just be there for her, just like Nancy had taught him.

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