Chapter 8 - The Takedown (part 10)

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~The teenagers (Billy, Robin, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan, The party (Mike, Max, Lucas, Dustin and Will - no El), Erica and her friend~

~At the Pumpkin Patch digging a hole to the portal. The Cloud just appeared~

This Chapter takes place at the same time as the previous one, and a little bit after the previous one ended. In the previous chapter, Joyce and El rescued Hopper. Arrested Dr. Owens and Papa, and Kali died.

As the huge black cloud arose over the trees, the 12 of them all looked up in terror.

Max inches closer to Lucas and slips her fingers between his. On his other side, Erica runs up beside him. Her friend trailing close behind. Lucas put an arm around Erica protectively.

"Holy ****!" Came Dustins voice.

Steve grabbed the three fire extinguishers from the ground by the car. He tossed one to Jonathan, one to Nancy, and one to Billy.

"Spray it if it comes near you!" He yelled. Then he went and grabbed the other supplies.

He tossed them out randomly. Dustin, Erica, and Will got a can of hairspray. Mike, Robin, and Lucas got beat spray. Ericas friend, Max, and Steve each took an air horn. Steve also took a flashlight and held it, he gave Robin a flashlight as well, and Mike the other one. Robin was in the far right, Mike was on the far left, and Steve was in the middle.

The three with the fire extinguishers moved in front of the rest of them.

The cloud slowly grew closer and began to gain on them. It inched closer to the group. Everybody breathed heavily. Robin was flipping out inside, what the hell was going on?! Billy was more rational. He was still really confused and petrified about this, but his main goal was to protect Robin.

Billy had never felt this way about anyone before. All of the other girls he dated, he used more as toys. But Robin was different. He thinks he might actually...Love her? But that did not change his personality that much, he was still a jerk to Max.

And Erica was terrified! She clung to her brother.  The cloud continued to come closer and closer.

When it was about 4 feet away, Nancy yelled. "Spray!!"

Billy, Jonathan, and Nancy all pulled the pins from the fire extinguishers. Pointing the nozzle at the beast, the three of them sprayed. As the carbon dioxide began to surround the group, They could see the cloud slowly disappearing.

It was going into the hole that they dug. Everybody stopped spraying. They cloud squealed and screeched as it slipped into the underground tunnels.
Then it was gone. Just like that. It disappeared.

"It's going somewhere, it's not gone for good." Will stated anxiously.

"We need to close the rift before it comes back!" Lucas exclaimed.

"We need Eleven for that!" Jonathan reminded.

"Where is she?" Max asked.

"I don't know! I don't know where she is! She should have been here long before now! Okay?" Mike exploded, not out of anger, out of fear, where was El?

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