Chapter 8 - The Takedown (part 9)

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I have one thing to mention first. So you know how Kali has been with the group of teenagers for the past little while. I want to change that, instead, she went with Joyce and El to close the portals, I will go through and edit the chapters to make it so that is what happened soon, sorry for any confusion this causes.

~Eleven and Joyce~
~Going to the Lab because El could feel that Hopper was in trouble there~

Joyce and El pulled up the the lab. In the parking lot were 3 cars, two of them she did not recognize, but the third was Jonathan's. Hopper was supposed to be driving Jonathan's car to the pumpkin patch with some of the kids.

So why was he still here? And Will! Will was with Hopper! If Hopper was in trouble, so was Will. Joyce was now worried sick. Her son had already been through so much.

Eleven waved her hand for Joyce to follow her, and Joyce obeyed. They found the door with the broken handle, where they first got in. Quietly, they opened the door and tip toed in. Once again, they didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, a familiar masculine voice grabbed their attention.
"I told you! I don't know how they escaped! But the deal was that you would let me go!" It was Hopper. Joyce pointed in the direction it came from and Eleven nodded.

After sneaking around for a few minutes, they stood outside of a room. They could hear voices in the room. Two of the voices were bone-chilling and sent shivers up both Joyce and Elevens spines. The third was a very familiar voice. El turned to Joyce.

"I-I can't do it, I can't look at him." She whisper-cried. Joyce knee that she was talking about Dr. Brenner.

"Shh." Joyce comforted, pulling her in for a hug. "You are the bravest person I know, and I know that you can do this." Joyce pulled away to look El in the eye. "Do this for Hopper." El took a deep breath. She turned towards the door and pushed it open slowly with her powers.

From inside the room, Hopper and the Doctors heard a click. With a long creak, the door began to slowly open. Outside the door it was black, complete darkness. The three men stared, wide eyed.

Then, a familiar figure emerged in the doorway, stepping into the light. It was a brown haired teenage girl. She had dark circles under her eyes and a stern look in her face. Blood poured from her nose as she lowered her chin. With a twist of her head, the handcuffs on Hoppers wrists popped open and dropped to the ground.

Immediately, Dr. Owens whipped out a gun from the holster on his side. He aimed at El, but she stuck out her hand. The gun flew across the room and landed in her hand. (Okay, yeah they did do that in Star Wars too. Sorry/not sorry) She pointed it at Dr. Owens, but turned her head to look straight at Dr. Brenner.

Dr. Owens froze while the gun was pointed at him. Picking up one of the 5 pairs of handcuffs laying on the ground, Hopper walked over to him and forced his hands behind his back. He clicked the handcuffs around his wrists, then held onto the chain. Dr. Owens could very easily have the key on him, but could not reach it if Hopper was holding the handcuffs.

"Papa." El spat. As she stared Dr. Brenner in the eye.

"Well hello Eleven! It's so good to see you again! I have been looking everywhere for you." Papa said in a fake tone.

"Don't. Don't play games with me Papa. You are a liar! Now, it is my turn for revenge." El sounded cold.

"Now Eleven, I was your friend. I raised you. I gave you a bed. I gave you food. I gave you the opportunity to experience incredible things. To make history! And this is how you thank me?" Papa was smart. He was good at talking his way out of things.

"You locked me up. You hurt me. You hurt mama. You are not a friend. Friends don't lie! You, Papa are an enemy. You made me like this. You gave me these powers! And using them to kill you would give you happiness, knowing that you made me into a monster. You did this to yourself!" Eleven moved her hand with the gun in and pointed it straight at Dr. Brenner. She was not going to use her powers to kill the person that gave her them.

"Eleven! No!" Kali rushed forward. She did not want the hatred that overtook her to happen to Eleven too. She ran in front of Eleven just as Eleven shot at Papa. The bullet whizzed straight into Kali's shoulder. Kali let out a cry and fell to the ground as blood poured out of her shoulder. But she did not lay still, instead, Kali's hand flew up to her shoulder.

Joyce and El rushed to Kali's side as El began to sob. She did not mean to do this. Kali has to be okay.

"Kali!!" Eleven screamed.

"It was just her shoulder. She will be okay." Joyce noticed and tried to comfort El.

Just then, another bang went off, and a bullet hit Kali again, only this time right in the heart. Kali's body went limp. Joyce and El looked up to see Dr. Brenner standing in the same spot as before, only this time he was holding a gun.

Hopper, who had managed to sneak up behind Dr. Brenner, turned and punched him in the face, knocking him over, the gun fell out of his hands. Hopper used a different pair of handcuffs to handcuff him.

Joyce led Eleven away from Kali's still body and out of the room. Eleven let out huge sobs into her hands. She felt like it was her fault that Kali died.

To make up for it taking me so long to get this out, I made it a long part. The next chapter will take place at the same time as this one. Meaning both events were happening at the same time.

Also, sorry for the slow updates, I am running out of ideas for this book. I have also been writing drafts for another book that I will talk more about later. I am finding this story boring to write and have been a bit preoccupied. I still fully intend to finish this book, but the updates might be a little bit slower than in the past. I'm sorry.

I will try to get the next part out by Wednesday or Thursday!

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