Chapter 1

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It was another night ,Camila layed on her bed writing and trying to come up with the right combination of words.she sighed in frustration not coming up with what she wanted to portray, all she ever did was write. But everything she did write had a missing piece to it. She new what she wanted to say but never could find the right ending. Camila moved to New York from Miami studying at NYU perusing what she could only hope would be music career of some sort, if not for herself then maybe for others. She lived in an apartment with her best friend who she's know since high school when no one else made and effort to talk to her or even acknowledge her. It was there 2 year of college and they finally managed to get a handle on there life after paying there school fees and finding jobs so they wouldn't need help from their parents. Camila studying music and Dinah studying dance.

Dinah was all camila had besides her family. Camila wasn't shy or quiet if anything she was more open than anyone and goofy when you get to know her. But camila set herself as introverted, always writing and reading and doing other things then partying and going out, it's not like she wouldn't she just preferred to focus on what she was truly passionate about when it seemed like things got tough, writing songs. The two best friends were polar opposites, Dinah being loud and free spirited one who loved to party and be wild but not so much camila, but put the two together they were loud and obnoxious as they could be. That's what camila loved about Dinah though. she could be her total self with her and not be judged whatsoever on how nerdy she is or touchy she can be. but that's what made them best friends.

"Come on chancho get out of your head for once and let's go out" her very tall blonde friend said walking through the door

"Okay okay I'm almost done" camila said trying to find the right words to another unfinished song

"Siope invited me to a party he's throwing at his parents house cause they've gone on vacation come on it will be fun" Dinah said hoping on the bed and smiling at her friend

"Oh no cheech you know I hate party's" camila groaned dropping her head on her books in front of her.

"How would you know if you never been to one"Dinah said turning on her stomach and faced the small brunette.

" I don't need to go to one to know how they are" camila said lifting her head " it's just a bunch of people crowding the place getting high and drunk" camila said standing up and putting her things away. "I rather not be apart of that or have morning hangovers like some people" she said pointing out Dinah.

"Oh it’s not that bad" Dinah said as camila gave her a look "okay maybe it is but I promise I won't get drunk this time just please this One time" she said holding up her hands and pouting at her friend.

" sorry D but my answers no but have fun" camila said with a fake smile as the tall blond rolled her eyes.

"Ugh fine...but your missing out and I really wanted you to meet siope too" Dinah said with a small pout.

"You and siope are getting pretty close huh?" Camila said smiling with sympathy for her friend. Dinah blushed and looked down bashfully.

"Yeah I mean he's great and all and makes my heart race sometimes" Dinah said shyly while camila looking at her with awe.

"Awwwww my little cheech is in love" camila said hugging Dinah's head close to her

"No I'm not...shut up" Dinah said shoving her small friend away who just laughed and smiled at her

"Haha okay okay" camila said in defeat balancing herself again.

"Come on chanch don't let me go by myself Normani will be there too and ....there's gonna be a bunch of hot guys " Dinah said with a mischievous look an her face.

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