Chapter 11

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The next morning the girls where in the kitchen making breakfast and talking. Lauren still asleep while camila woke up about half and hour ago and just lay with Lauren not wanting to leave her after last night and because Lauren wanted her to stay. so camila lay with Lauren watching as her chest rose and fell and her breath on her neck. Camila admired Laurens features as she slept and caressed her cheek as she did so and placed kisses all over her face.

"Camz" Lauren mumbled but wasn't up yet which made camila smile. So camila continued kissing her all over her face until she got to her neck and gave it one last kiss before sucking really hard. Making Lauren gasp and moan.

"Camila mmm" Lauren said trying to catch her breath a moment before trying to process everything. Camila just smiled and leaned her hands on either side of Laurens head.

"Well that's one way to do it" camila said laughing as Lauren blushed.

"Ugh you suck" Lauren said covering her face with her arms.

"Yes I did and maybe left a bruise' camila said smirking.

"Camz" Lauren whined but smiling that camila just marked her.

"Come on sleepy baby" camila said snuggling in to Laurens neck as Lauren placed her arms around camilas head and chuckled as she playfully bite her neck." Let's go eat breakfast I can smell it from here"

"Noooo I wanna stay here with you" Lauren whined holding camila closer and flipping them so she was on top of camila snuggling in to her while camila laughed.

"For how long?" Camila laughed with her hands on Laurens back pulling her close and smiling in to Laurens neck. Lauren sat up a little to look camila directly in the eyes.

"Forever "Lauren whispered. As they stare into each others eyes for a moment that felt like forever. Camila swallowed hard being under the eyes of Laurens big green ones and looked down at her lips. Lauren saw this and smirked and got as close to camila as possible without touching her. Camila felt nervous but excited at the same time and leaned in but Lauren backed away and shook her head with a smile. She got up and walked to the bathroom with one more look to camila, she left. Camila rolled her eyes in amusement and layed back down and sighed.

"Tease" camila mumbled and got up to go brush her teeth as well. Once the two had brushed their teeth they walked hand and hand to the kitchen were the girls sat talking but stopped as soon as they entered they both grabbed a plate and served themselves as Ally finished making the last pancakes.

"Morning guys" Dinah said smirking"nice hickey" Lauren just smirked and sat down with her plate of food as well as camila.

"Fun morning?" Normani asked and giggled with Dinah as Lauren and camila blushed. Ally witnessing this took her plate and sat in front of the two cubans eating her food and waiting for an explanation. Lauren noticing stared down at her food for a moment and tried to figure out how to start. Dinah and Normani noticing the change in Lauren and stopped laughing as it became quiet.

"Can we at least eat breakfast before I explain anything.............please" Lauren said as she felt camilas hand on her knee. The girls continued eating in an almost awkward silence but nonetheless ate breakfast and sat in the living room after words. Camila next to Lauren and Ally , Normani, and Dinah sprawled out in the living room.

" I'm sorry...........I didn't mean to worry you" Lauren said more to Ally and camila knowing camila would have been worried sick but also Ally because she's been like a mother to her when she didn't have hers.

"The day I left I got a call that my grandmother had only moments to live...." Lauren said as the girls listened patiently and with sympathy.

"I got there in time to at least talk to her but by the 3rd day.........she was gone" Lauren said as her voice cracked at the end as her eyes welled up with tear. Camila took her hand in her own and brought it to her lips and kissed it and whipped Laurens tear.

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