Chapter 29

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It was just days before the fourth of July came around and Laurens family was packing up and were getting ready to leave along with the cabellos. Lauren had been packing her thing in her car and was going to pick up camila as her mom talked to Marco from the distance that she could here as she fixed up her things in the trunk.

"Marco are you sure you want to stay here?"Clara said as she and Marco talk on the porch.

"Yes I'll be fine you go have fun Clara"he said placing a hand on her shoulder as Lauren rolled her eyes.

"But won't it be boring I mean we have plenty of room" Clara said as Lauren just felt angrier and angrier that he was even still here.

"Yeah, but I'm fine really" he said smirking as Clara returned it.

"Okay but please just think about it-" Clara said but was cut off by an angry Lauren.

"He doesn't want to go then leave him" Lauren spoke angrily as Clara and her husband along with her siblings turned to her in surprised.

"Lauren " Clara said sternly Lauren just got in the car and drove off to camilas as Clara called after her.

"No its okay Clara she's probably just blowing off some steam maybe she just angry with herself" Marco said as Clara just nodded.

"Okay we'll see you when we get back"Clara said hopping in the car as her husband finished loading the car up and hopped in with Chris and Taylor.

Lauren drove over to camila frustrated about her uncle as she hit the steering wheel and let a few tears fall in anger. She made it to camilas house and sat there as she leaned her head against the steering wheel and closed her eyes as She huffed in frustration. She doesn't know how long she was sitting there until she felt someone open her door and take her hand from the wheel and held her in there arms.

"I got you" camila said holding an upset Lauren as she held her close the her should.

"I just....." Lauren whispered trying to breath "i just want him gone"

"I know, I know" camila said holding Lauren close as she composed herself.

"I'm sorry " Lauren said whipping her tears and taking a deep breath before separating from camila "I just wanted to this weekend to be perfect and I ruined it"

"No Lauren" camilas said holding her cheek as she leaned down to her level "you didn't ruin anything okay"

"But- " Lauren started but was cut off my camilas

"Nope now stop saying that you did " camila said caressing her cheek "were gonna have fun in this trip remember you said so yourself"

"Yeah and we will" Lauren said leaning in to camilas touch "I promise"

"See now give me a smile" Camila said smiling to a pouting Lauren " come on I want to see that beautiful smile I love"

" Okay " Lauren said giving her a closed lip smile

"Nope that's not it" camilas said poking her cheek "I want that one that shows your beautiful teeth and make your eyes look small "

"Here I got it " camila said smiling "okay okay, knock knock"

"Who's there" Lauren said eyeing camila trying not to smile.

"Butch, Jimmy, and Joe" camilas said smiling as she bit her lip.

"Butch, Jimmy and Joe who?" Lauren said a little confused.

Butch your arms around me, Jimmy a kiss, and let's Joe" camila said as she made a face and wiggled her eyebrows up and down that made Lauren giggled and smile her perfect smile.

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