Chapter 4

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Lauren was awaken the next morning by her phone ringing on her night stand. She got up and rubbed her eyes and searched for her phone and squinted trying to see who was calling.

"Hello" Lauren said leaning back in bed signing .

"Hey Lo you up to hang today I'm board here now that veros out of town" Lucy said laying on her couch. Lauren has known Lucy since they were kids and was a static when she hear she was coming to new York to study fashion. Lucy's been in new York as long as Lauren has and moved in with her girlfriend that she's been dating for 3 years now. They've been close since they were kids but haven't had much time to catch up because of school and work interfering.

"Oh hey um I wish but I have classes today Lucy" Lauren said with her eyes closed

"Oh sorry was I interrupting you in class ?" Lucy questioned from where she sat on the couch.

" no I was asleep when you called " Lauren said finally getting up and checking the time on her phone seeing it was almost 10 o'clock .

'Oh shoot I'm late...' Lauren mumbled to herself hoping off the bed with her phone between her ear and shoulder." Um look Lucy ill talk to you later I got to go" she said rushing to get ready.

"Awe your lame dude but okay talk soon we need a night out " lucy said as Lauren rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth "yeah yeah we will got to go bye" Lauren said almost running into Normani.

"Bye Lo" Lucy said hanging up

"Whoa someone woke up late " Normani said laughing at Lauren struggle to get ready.

"Yeah....don't you have classes what are you doing here?" Lauren asked passing her tall dark friend to the living room to get her bag she left and her shoes.

"Yes but my classes aren't until this afternoon" Normani said following Lauren and hoping on the couch while turning on the tv

" Well luck you I'm late " Lauren said putting her jacket on and having her keys." I'll see you later mani" she said as Normani waved to her.

Lauren rushed to school skipping breakfast and getting there in time for her to get her work done. After class Lauren headed to where she always goes after class, study hall. But she stopped to go get breakfast first then head to study hall. She was headed into the room but bumped in to someone who made her spill her coffee. She watched as her coffee rolled down the hall with a sad pout

"awe my coffee" Lauren said as the person next to her said tried apologising.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" the person said who bumped in to Lauren. Immediately Lauren recognized the voice and looked up to find a very sorry camila.

"Camila?" Lauren said while getting a few napkins she had and cleaning the coffee while camila tried to help " you going to study hall too?"

"Yeah actually, I'm always in here to be honest" camila said standing up with Lauren and throwing the trash away. That's when Lauren noticed camila wearing glasses." I'll buy you a new coffee I promise" camila said

" its okay.....hey have you always had glasses?" Lauren asked pointing out camilas glasses.

"Oh these old things" camila said fixing them and looking down at her feet" yeah but i don't really need them all the time" she giggled nervously while fixing her hair as Lauren watched with a smile.

"There um really cute "Lauren said as her smile grew when camila blushed.

"Thanks" camila almost whispered as they stood there in silence .

"Uh shall we "Lauren said as she opened the door and gestured her in the room.

"We shall" camila said as they giggled and headed into the room.

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