Chapter 19

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"You think your gonna get anywhere with this shit" He said throwing Laurens papers she had in front of her on the floor.

"Your nothing but a disgusting little being who shouldn't be here" he spat as Lauren held in her tears.

"You shouldn't even be in this family, your a disgrace " he said ripping up laurens papers she worked hard on.

"No I'm not and you shouldn't care what I do" Lauren said standing from her seat but regretted it the instant his hand went across her face hard making her stumble to the floor.

" you keep your mouth shut little bitch" he spat as Lauren held her face. He got closer as Lauren got up quickly and pushed him away and tried to run to her room. But he grabbed her by the hair slamming against the wall pull something out if his pocket.

"I wouldn't do that " he said holding a pocket knife against her cheek as Lauren tried to breath as she eyed the blade.

"You think your smart but your not " he said as he cut her neck a little making Lauren whimper as she tried to stay strong. He dragged her to a door and pushed her in. Lauren stumbled as she fell down few steps before he closed the door on her.but she caught herself before she could fall even further and hurt herself. She walked down the steps in to the basement holding her neck which was bleeding and walked over to the dryer. She climbed it as she tried to reach the hamper that leads to up stairs when you throw clothes down the shoot to the basement. Lauren climbed up and made her way through. She made it to the top that led to the bathroom as she fell forward trying to get in and hurting her knee.

Lauren lay on the floor a moment before getting up to make sure he didn't hear her. She got up and walked to the mirror as she looked as the mark made on her neck as blood seeped out and noticed her cheek bruising. She opened the dror next to her and grabbed a small hand towel, as she wet it with a little water and cleaned up the cut. After words she searched the bottom of the sink for the adkit and cleaned herself up properly. After she was done she walked to the door and stayed silent as she tried to hear were he was at. She hear talking and realized he brought his friends over so Lauren silently walked over to her room and closed the door when she got in side. Once she did she locked the door and sighed in relief that she was in her safe space. She walked over to her bed and got under the covers wishing someone could help but in her case no one could, so she closed her eyes as she cried herself to sleep.

Lauren sat in one of the chairs in the break room rubbing her neck and feeling the scar there as she recalled when she had gotten it that day. She played with her food as she thought about a lot of the pain and horrible memories. She closed her eyes as she tried to breath and clear her head.

"You okay jauregui?" Johnson laurens employer said eyeing Lauren as she looked like she could use the sleep.

"Yeah just thinking um I'm gonna get back to work" Lauren said getting up and packing her things.

"No you can go home it's been a slow day and you look like you could use the day off" Johnson said giving her a small smile as he gathered up his papers from the table that he walked in for.

"Real wow okay thanks" Lauren said smiling as she walked out the room. She checked out saying her farewells to her co-workers before heading home. Lauren walked home and just couldn't shake her mind about everything. It had been a few weeks since she'd even talk to Lucy and she's been getting little to no sleep most nights.

She didn't have to feel with much to begin with. She got hurt and she's accepted that but didn't have to be reminded of what happened years ago being compared to when she was hurt. Before Lauren knew it she was home and stopped in front of her apartment trying to recall when she got there or how long she's been standing there in thought. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment and rubbed one eye in tiredness and frustration. She pulled her keys out and walked in and made her way to her room. She dropped her stuff next to her bed and landed face first into the sheets.

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