Chapter 5

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Break was finally over and all the girls had come back from visiting their family's.They all came over to Allys apartment and caught up on what they did over break and just hung out as if nothing changed or as if they haven't seen each other in years.

"Mani I was told that I was getting some cookies over here" Lauren said crossing her arms and eyeing her tall dark friends as Normani had a realisation face on and hopped off the couch and towards her bag and pulling out at box.

"I didn't forget if that's what you were implying and your gonna love these" Normani handed them out to everyone as they all took a bite at the same time.

"Mmmm " they all hummed " Normani tell your grandma I love her" Lauren said as Normani laughed.

"Me too" Ally said

"Me third" camila said

"Fourth" Dinah joined in while getting another cookie.

"Hahah your lucky she made 4 dozen" Normani said having a cookie of her own.

"So how did y'alls holidays go?" Ally asked staring at the girls in the room.

"It was fun but like after one day I was kinda already done with my family, knowing how big it is you would want to flee too" Dinah said " but we had a good time we opened presents and sung traditional songs together as well" she added as the other girls smiled and listened but Lauren looked down at her lap in sadness that she missed Christmas with her family this year, again. Camila saw this and walked over to Lauren and hugged her as and placing her head on her shoulder and intertwining their right hands together. Normani noticed this as well and felt bad for her friend.

"I'm sorry Lo" Normani said causing Lauren to look up and she gave them a forced smile shake her head.

"No its okay don't feel bad because of me please"Lauren said gesturing towards all the girls.

"I know I don't see my family much but just because I haven't seen them doesn't mean you should feel bad for me, I mean I would say this year was pretty good, camz here came back early and she made this year really special and I can't thank her enough" Lauren said as camila looked up at her and smiled as Lauren returned it.

"Now come on, I wanna hear all about your holidays" Lauren said turning towards a smiling Dinah, Normani, and Ally. So that's what they did, they spent all day catching up on what the other did over the holidays and how they missed their families and how they caught up on things like Dinah's mom being pregnant again and Allys cousin getting married.

Holidays were over and a new year had come and the time for change had neared, as they all hung out and camila and Dinah decided to stay the night knowing that they didn't want to leave or they weren't going to, as it snowed bad so walking home wasn't a good idea or Normani driving them home either knowing the roads were probably really bad too. For the next 2 days they spent their time with each other and hang out watching movies, playing games like any other regular Sunday they would spend their time away from dating or school or any problems they may have like Normani and her boyfriend that she told Dinah and Ally the other night. The next morning Ally was the first to wake up so she decided to make breakfast. She made waffles all crunchy and ready, with eggs and ham covered in melted cheese, and fried diced potatoes. All served up with some old fashioned  rice oatmeal with toast.

Dinah was the second one to get up smelling sweet food and heard her stomach growl. She tried to get up but found a weight on her and sat up a little to see Normani on her like a cross.

"Mani come on man" Dinah groaned as she tried to get her friend off of her but noticed something else from across her. Right in front of her was a sleeping camila snuggled up with a sleeping lauren. Their legs tangled but noticeable with the thin blanket and there hands intertwined as camila's head was snuggled into Laurens neck  and Laurens arm wrapped around camila’s waist from behind. Dinah saw this and smiled wide and shook Normani a little harder this time.

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