Chapter 27

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Lauren made it home but still somewhat weak but with some help from her girlfriend and mom they were able to get her to the room. Camila stayed over that night not wanting to leave Lauren just yet not really getting to talk to her or interact with in much in almost a week. After about a week Lauren had gained her strength back and was able to move around on her own enough to hang out with camila and Sofi along side Dinah. Lauren went in to the doctors later on that week to get another tetanus shots just in case the virus were to relapse but nonetheless Lauren recovered nicely.

The following week Miami got even hotter as people started to get ready for the fourth of July coming around soon and were getting in to the celebration of America's independence. Lauren and camila decided to hang out with Dinah and Sofi as they cleaned out and set up the pool with a little help from Alejandro who they basically let do all the work.

"Doing great papa " camila said as she watched him from the in ground pool with Lauren, Dinah, and Sofi.

"Yeah this would go a lot faster if you helped Karla" Alejandro said setting it up.

"Ugh papa I told you not to call me that" camila whined as she went to get the hose.

"Awe Karla" Alejandro teased as Lauren laughed along with Dinah, camila only rolled her eyes.

"God it's hot out here" Dinah said as she eyed Lauren.

"Yeah it is right Sofi" Lauren said eyeing Dinah and nodded to Sofi. They all ran inside and grabbed water balloons as they surrounded camila who was filling up the pool.

"Hey babe aren't you hot?" Lauren asked as camila turned around and saw them.

"Mmm...what are you doing ?" Camila said eyeing them.

"Nothing" Dinah said smirking.

"Fire!" Sofi said as they launched the balloon to camila who covered herself as best she could.

"You...did...not " camila said in between breaths.

"But we did" Dinah said laughing but stopped when she was hit by balloon, she turned to find a laughing Lauren who backed away slowly "ooh you're dead"

"Got to defend my girl!!" Lauren yelled as she ran that made camila smile at her.

"Get back here jauregui!!" Dinah said running after her as Lauren grabbed another balloon from the bucket they had. Sofi and camila joined in as they threw water balloons at one another and chased each other around the yard. Lauren ran over to the pool as Dinah was hot on her tail.

"Got you now jauregui" Dinah said as she trapped Lauren from the pool. Lauren looked over and noticed the pool already almost full and smiled as she noticed camila behinds her who just smiled.

"Nope just you " Lauren said as camila pushed her towards the pool, Lauren moved out of the way as Dinah hit the water. Lauren and camila laughed along with Sofi as Dinah resurfaced.

"You guys are so dead!" Dinah said spraying water to them.

"Whatever you say, whoa!" Lauren said jumping in the water as camila followed with Sofi. They splashed around in the water and played a few games before getting out and drying off to eat.

"Okay girls we have an assortment of food since camila decided to invite you guys over without my knowledge " sinu said as she eyed camila who only shrugged

"So we have fruits, burgers and hotdogs, along with taquitos and-" sinu said but was cut off by camila and Lauren.

" Plantains!!" Camila and Lauren said as they pulled up on them.

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