Chapter 34

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Camila felt surprised to Laurens action seeing as she couldn't talk but wouldn't even see anyone for that matter. They kissed but what she didn't expect was to taste the saltiness of tears from Laurens lips. Camila separated the two as Lauren just leaned her head against camilas.

"I'" Lauren said as she let her tears fall, camila just pulled her into a hug and held her as tightly but softly as possible not to hurt her.

"I...didn' shut you..o ut" Lauren said through her tears as camila shook her head" it's....been ......h..hard"

"I know baby I know and I understand that " camila said separating the two as she held Laurens face in her hand whipping her tears and Lauren tried to stop crying as she leaned in to camilas touch.

"I don't do....any...m.mmore" Lauren studded huffing in frustration of her voice "i....can'"

"Shh..." Camila said as Lauren closed her eyes and tried to breath" I may not understand how your feeling but I understand you needed some time to yourself "

"Even though it kinda hurt" camila said as Lauren gave her a sorry look" I understand"

"" Lauren said but paused in frustration and took a deep breath "i..didn'"

"Well....that doesn't matter right now cause I'm here and I can see your pretty face now that I missed" camila said smiling as Lauren blushed with a shy smile

"but from what I'm hearing you can't really talk much"Lauren just shook her head and held her hand to her chest and grimaced.

"My...chest...h.hhurts's ....mmm.... breath"Lauren said breathing deeply ever time she spoke.

"Okay well stop talking so you can get better and if you need something just text me or the girls" camila said smiling to Lauren who gave her a thumbs up. Lauren pulled out her phone and texted something and smiled up at camila. Camila frowned before her phone went off, she pulled out her phone and chuckled when she read the text.

"Can I have a kiss?" Lauren texted as camila texted a quick reply.

"Yes" camila texted as she pulled Lauren by the shirt and kissed her passionately for a moment knowing Lauren can't really breath much right now.

"So are we doing this is or what" camila said intertwining their fingers. Lauren just smiled and nodded. Camila took Laurens hand as they walked down the hall down stairs and into the kitchen where they found the girls talking with Clara.

"Lauren!" Sofi yelled as she ran over and and pulled Lauren in to a bone crushing hug.

"Ahhh!!" Lauren yelled at Sofi sent pain full shocks through her body from her bruises and wound.

"Sofi" camila said pulling Sofi away from Lauren who held herself protectively.

"I'm sorry I didn't know" sofi said feeling bad, Lauren shook her head as she stood up right and gestured her over. Sofi took a step forward as Lauren took her in her arms again.

"Be....gentle" Lauren said as Sofi nodded as she pulled her in an embrace once more"...better"

"Hola mija" Clara said kissing her daughters head and giving her a small hug "you hungry?"

Lauren shrugged as she walked over and sat down at the island where the girls sit. Lauren placed a hand on Normani's who sat across her and gave her a look as Normani nodded.

"Anytime" Normani said as Lauren smiled.

"So what should we watch ?" Dinah asked the girls as they thought , Lauren pulled out her phone and sent a text to them all.

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