Chapter 6

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The week went by and Lauren has been avoiding camila trying to figure out her head as well as camila so camila didn't take much notice in her avoidance either, as she tried to delay there encounterment to to try and figure out her head as well.

Camila had Dinah to talk to, someone she trusted. She wasn't shy to speak out on her thoughts but for Lauren it was much difficult than that. It was hard to open up for her and it was rear she ever talked to anyone about her feelings let alone her friends even though she spoke out a little bit about them. So after classes Lauren headed over to Lucy's to ask for some advice to see if she could may be help. Lauren arrived to Lucy's apartment and knocked on the door for it to be answered by a average height girl with thick flowing brown hair and long tan legs

"Oh hey Lo what's up " Vero said with a big smile wearing her pjs.

"Hey Vero is um Lucy here?" Lauren asked hopefully.

"Um yeah come on in" Vero said guiding Lauren in side towards the living room. "Lucy Laurens here she needed your guidance " Vero said in a playful voice cause Lauren to giggle.

"Ooooooh look who finally has time" Lucy said hoping off the couch and crossing her arms as Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on Lucy you know I'm busy I actually skipped out on school today to come talk to you so be grateful" Lauren said as Lucy eyed her in suspicion.

"Fine but its gonna cost ya" lucy said with a smirk that Lauren knew too well and rolled her eyes in amusement

"Say it" Lucy said as Vero watched with amusement

"Do I have to" Lauren said groaning

"Come on......I'm waiting " lucy said turning her head and looking up at the sky with her eyes closed. Lauren huffed in defeat.

" Lucy's the bad bitch of us all" Lauren said and Lucy smiled

" There you go now bring it in " lucy said holding her arms out for a hug and Lauren smiled and walked in and gave lucy a welcoming hug.

"Hey Lo" Lucy said

"Hey luc" Lauren said

"Okay " Lucy added and walked over to the couch and sat down as Vero walked over and sat on her lap " what can I do you for?"

Lauren walked over and sat on the couch near them and explained" so you've guys been together along time right" Lauren started " who asked who on a date first like I want to hear everything from the beginning if you wouldn't mind" she said getting comfortable

"Oh well as you know we were friends in the beginning but I don't know I thought Vero was something special so I asked her out on a date" lucy said staring at Vero the whole time

"Yeah and I shot her down first knowing what type of person she was" Vero said smiling as Lucy made a face and protested

"Hey I wasn't that bad" lucy said

"Yes you were"Vero said

"Lauren?" Lucy questioned for help

"Sorry luc you were that bad" Lauren said giving her a apologetics smile

"Okay, maybe, sorta," Lucy said still trying to protest as Vero gave a look and rolled her eyes.

"Anyways after shooting her down and see how hurt she was I realize I don't actually know Lucy on a personal level so I told her yes when she asked me out again" Vero said smiling down at lucy.

"She was a totally different person when I finally took the time to know her" Vero said looking deep in to Lucy's eyes "and I knew I was missing out on a great person when I said no the first time"

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