Chapter 18

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It had been a week since Laurens family visited. It was hard for Laurens family to leave knowing that it would be a while before she could see them again.but she was able to let them go for now as they teared up at there departure. She stuck to her mother's words and called when ever she could, texted her siblings daily, and faced timed. She's closer to her family then ever before and forgot why she was so distance with them to begin with and felt happier then before when she wouldn't even look at a text or call given.

"Okay Lauren want to give it a try" the therapist said as she made Lauren stretch her leg before she could stand on her own. Lauren had an appointment today and got her stitches removed and was now preparing to try and walk.

"Yeah" Lauren said with a sigh "lets do it"

"Okay " the therapist said as two nurses helped Lauren up before letting go as she stood on her own. "Good now try crossing the poles"

Lauren held on to both ends of the poles before giving it a real go. She moved her injured leg forward with a little difficulty before bringing the right leg along with it.

"WHOA LAUREN!!!" Camila,Dinah, Normani, and Ally cheered making everyone turn towards them as Lauren smiled to them.

"Okay good start but you have along way, come on you can do it" the therapist said encouraging Lauren. She took a deep breath before taking a another step and succeeding she was doing fairly well until she felt a sharp pain in her leg that made her stop and hold her leg as she crouch to the floor as the nurses rushed over and made sure she's okay as her friends looked worriedly.

"Lauren what's wrong?" The therapists said crouching down next to Lauren.

"There was like a sharp pain shooting through almost like in the back of my leg" Lauren said as she breathed in and out as her leg still hurt.

"Okay there was some nerve damage so that could be the reason why " the therapist informed as she rubbed on Laurens leg generally before examining it very carefully "do you wanna try again"

"Um........" Lauren paused not for sure ready for another walk through but with practice she wanted go get threw it, so she nodded her head "yeah I can get threw it "

"Okay but you don't have to that's totally your choice" she informed Lauren as Lauren just shook her head

"No I wanna try again" Lauren said getting up as the nurses helped her up as she hopped over to the beginning of the walk way.

"YEAH LAUREN YOU CAN DO IT!!" The girls cheered for Lauren again for not giving up. Lauren took a deep breath before and closed her eyes for a moment trying to concentrate. she opened her eyes again and took a step forward. After a few steps Lauren felt the pain in her leg again but pushed through it and it passed for a moment before coming back again but she made it to the end as she smiled big.

"WHOA GO LAUREN THAT'S MY GIRL!!!"Camila said standing up and clapping with the girls.

"You did it Lauren but imma give you some crutches so you can try those out for a while before you can officially walk on your own " the therapists said writing down laurens progress.

"Okay that's fine as long as I don't have to seat in that wheelchair again" Lauren said smiling in relief .

"Alright I'll just get that for you and you can head out" the therapist said leaving the room with the nurses as they congratulated Lauren with a high five before leaving. camila ran up to Lauren and almost tackled her into a hug along with the girls.

"You did great Lo I'm proud of you" camila said still wrapped around Lauren.

"Yeah you killed it did you see that she was like 'i can do it'" Dinah looking to the sky dramatically.

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