Chapter 12

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It was the next day and Lauren was headed to school and felt the sun hit her face as she walked down new York street. She seemed okay but only losing her grandmother only a few weeks ago she was trying to keep herself up right still. She felt pain in her heart every time she saw something and it reminded her of her abuela. Laurens fathers had passed when she was in high school freshmen year and that only been years ago. But with her mothers mom passing it felt like she was living that day again of coming home to find her dad in tears as well as his side of the family surrounding her dad in the same state. Lauren knew the moment she saw her dad she had lost her grandmother and locked herself in her room and cried for days at a time and trying to cope on her own because she was afraid of losing someone else. And thats what it felt like when she saw her second abuela in the hospital barely breathing and dying as every second passed. She remember what her grandmother said just before she passed that made her rethink the way she pushed people away.

"Mija Si sigues cerrando a la gente, los perderás antes de que los tengas." Laurens abuela said holding her hand.

"pero tengo miedo de dejar que me vean" Lauren said as she cried and tried to compose herself.

"But if you do, they won't be there when you want them the most" she said trying to catch her breath.

"prometeme algo?" She said as Lauren nodded.

"deje entrar a la gente y manténgala lo más cerca posible antes de que se vayan." She said as Lauren listened internally and then nodded with hesitation.

Lauren thought about that a lot ever since she left Miami and contemplated it when she saw camila. When she made it to her apartment and cried in to her neck. Lauren was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt her phone go off.

Camz: hey beautiful I hope you have a good day

Lauren smiled at the texted and thought about how much better her life has gotten with camila in it. How she was there for her when she cried and how she didn't worry too much and hate her for leaving without notifying her first so she wouldn't assume the worst. Lauren was grateful and tried to do as she promise of letting people in and making moments that would last forever if something were to happen. She headed on to class and went through an hour of the process of writing a good song. After that she headed off to study hall and smiled big when she saw her girl over a book with her adorable glasses. Lauren snuck behind camila and hugged her and snuggled her face in to her neck.

"Hey beautiful" Lauren whispered as camila giggled.

"Hahah hey you " camila said a hand on Laurens head.

"I missed you" Lauren whispered kissing down camilas neck as camila closed her eyes and tried not to moan.

"Lo there's other people in he- ahhh" camila tried protesting but failed as Lauren sucked on her neck. "Fuck Lauren "

"Sorry I just haven't seen you in 3 weeks and I'm crazy about you" Lauren said in camilas ear and biting down on it making camila gasp and pull on Laurens neck to bring her closer. Lauren finally separated the two and sat next to camila and intertwined their hands.

"Same but like just....give me a minute" camila said trying to calm herself and catch her breath.

"Sorry" Lauren said kissing camilas hand delicately before pulling out some work she missed.

"Its okay I missed you too" camila said sliding closer to Lauren " I went through a lot of Lauren withdrawal so I don't mind" they stayed in study hall and did some work, camila finished about half an hour ago as she sat there just watching Lauren focus. Camila some times giggled at Laurens expressions and smiled when Lauren figured it out. Lauren finally noticed and looked up a little confused at camila stare and kinda felt her blood rush through her with camila smiling and watching her.

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