Chapter 22

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It had been a long painful week but tomorrow would be the day Lauren and camila would see each other and head off to Miami together for the summer. Lauren was packing up some of her stuff for her home in Miami and was on her way to ship it over and packed her things she was gonna take on the plane with camila. The place was kinda empty as the girls had put stuff away and covered the couch and t.v. so it wouldn't collect dust as well as emptied the frigid so nothing rotted. Lauren and camila had texted all week and called but have built up so much tension that camila couldn't wait to see Lauren when she finished up and came over. They had almost the whole day before flying out that night. Lauren made her way out if her building and headed to the Postal Service using a taxi so she could make her way over to camilas and Normani's car can be safe in the garage of their building. Lauren was able to post her things out and make her way up to camilas apartment with a few bags. Lauren made it to the door and could barely knock before camila ripped the door opened and jumped in her arms as she wrapped her legs around Lauren waist and gave her a hungry kiss.

"Mmm" Lauren moaned holding camila up in her arms as she almost fell over.

"I missed you" camila whispered as she caught her breath along with Lauren as she caressed Laurens cheek and looked into her big green eyes she loved so much.

"I missed you too" Lauren said bring her in for a passionate kiss as camila tangled her hands in Laurens hair.

"Maybe we should take this inside" Lauren said after releasing camilas lips as camila only nodded. She set camila down and brought her begs in and set them by the door.

"I've been waiting all week and I can't wait anymore" camila said kissing Lauren hungrily and dragged her room. Camila slammed Lauren against her door as she attacked her neck she bite down and smooth with her tongue.

"Camila ahh" Lauren moaned before flipping them and took camilas lips in her own. They kissed aggressively from all the built up tension from last week up until now. Lauren sucked on camilas tongue as she squeezed her ass and lifted her. She walked over to the bed and laid camila down gently never breaking the kiss, Lauren sat up straddling her and was unbuttoning her shirt but camila grew impatient and pulled her shirt open and kissed up the valley of her breast.

"Fuck camz" Lauren said as camila kissed all over the top of her breast and down her stomach, camila unhooked Lauren bra as it fell off her shoulder and she through it a side. Camila took Lauren right breast in her mouth and sucked gently and moaned at the feeling as she massaged her left breast "mmmm"

Lauren helped camila out of her shirt and bra as she pushed her back down and kissed down her neck and took her breast in her mouth, camila moaned as she felt wet already being so turned on by Lauren .

"Oh god Lauren " camila said as Lauren switched from breast to breast sucking and pulling on the two. Lauren trailed her tongue down camilas stomach and got to her waist, Lauren helped camila out of pants and underwear as she spread her legs for Lauren so ready for her.

"Fuck camz your so wet" Lauren said as she watched camilas hot center dripping with her juices.

"I can't help it you drive me crazy" camila said panting as she watched Lauren, Lauren looked directly into camilas eyes as she dragged her tongue across her wet hot fold.

"Ahhhh fuck!" Camila said throwing her head back as Lauren lapped her folds up and down collecting her juices. She found camilas clit as she sucked on it as camila got wetter and wetter.

"Shit camz your dripping" Lauren said as she flicked her tongue over her camilas clit as she whimpered with every flick.

"Mmmm you taste so good" Lauren said closing her eyes and reminisced in her juices.

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