Chapter 8

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 Being as Saturday night Lauren went on her first date with camila, she woke up feeling amazing and happier than ever today. Lauren looked over to see it was early for a Sunday so she got up and decided to make breakfast. Ally and Normani were out usually early in the morning to a small church just down the road from there apartment. See as Ally and Normani are from Texas they can't be with their family's and want to pray that everyday is good to them.

Normani came from Texas on a scholarship for dance and she's been thankful ever since. A few years back Normani was involved in a massive flood through her town and lost all her memories and had to make new ones ever since, and since then she cherished everything because she had a fear that all she had could be ripped away from her again so easily.

Ally came from Texas as well and studied up on sociology. Ally was what people called a miracle baby, she was born premature and was in the hospital almost a year before her parents could take her home. So Ally takes each day as it comes knowing that she was here to stay and to live on to do something good.  

So that's where they are now church and worshiping god every Sunday and staying true to there roots of themselves. Lauren would some times join them but not all the time she was Catholic but just didn't take it as seriously as others. So Lauren put her speaker on and blasted her music while making food for her and the girls when they got back.

"I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be And satisfaction feels like a distant memory And I can't help myself
All I wanna hear her say is are you mine?

Are you mine?
Are you mine?
Are you mine?"

Lauren sang while making food and having her own dance party in the processes. She was just happy in the moment of having a job, going to school, having loving friends, and soon to be relationship..............hopefully. She was dancing and singing that she didn't notice the other girls come in and sit at the island and waited till she notice. What the girls didn't expect was for Lauren to have such an amazing voice and looked at each other surprised.

"I just wanna hear you say you got me baby Are you AHHHH" Lauren yelled tiring and finding the girls watching her and tripped over her own feet and fell. She got back up as quick as possible and acted like nothing happened.

"Oh erm hey guys"Lauren said trying to see casual. While Normani and Ally laughed, Lauren just rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha laugh it up how was church?"Lauren asked getting her waffles out of the maker and setting sausage, eggs and waffles on the island.

"Ooooh food" Ally said getting up to get a plate."it was great same as usual"

"Yeah you should come with us again" Normani said following Ally’s lead and getting a plate of food for herself.

"Yeah but that's not really my thing " Lauren said eating her food.

"Hey I still want details of what happened last night" Ally said serving herself some food and taking a seat. Normani handing them the syrup as she served herself. Lauren smiled and blushed thinking about last night.

"So you guys know my friend lucy" Lauren said as they nodded and continued to eat.

"Yeah well her girlfriend veronica owns this almost like vacation home on the outer part of new York. But its built in trees to see over the view of the beach and little homes"Lauren said getting lost in the story "I took her up there and we had food that lucy helped out with and then we sat on the edge of the home on a couch were we could see the beach and the sun go down" Lauren continued as Normani and Ally smiled fondly and try to imagine the place.

"It got dark after so I went to turn some lights on around the place but there was this one that turned on lights across the trees, it looked like fire flies everywhere." Lauren said while her smile grow wider.

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