Chapter 13

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It had been a few weeks since camila and Lauren made that song together. They had been dating for 3 months now and Lauren wanted to do something special for how long they've been together. camila and Lauren had been inseparable since Lauren came back. They would hang with the girls and text non-stop and would always be touching in some way. Whether that be by holding hands, cuddling or just holding each others pinkys when they were out in public and interacted with other people.

Lauren felt as though they hadn't done anything together as just the two of them or gotten to go out and do something romantic for the 3 month they've been dating considering Lauren was mainly gone for the first month. So right now Lauren had planned something special surprise for camila and was excited to ask her out on something she hoped she would like. It was Saturday meaning camila would be at work so Lauren had all day to plan everything, when she had everything set up she headed on to camila's work place and caught her on her lunch break. Lauren entered the small cafe and frowned when some guy was talking to camila as he seemed to try and get her number but camila only shook her head no and placed her hands out as the guy caught it in his and pulled her close only to have camila push him away and the man holding a tighter grip on camila. Lauren rushed over and pushed herself in front of the two.

"Hey back off " Lauren angrily pushing the taller man away as camila hide behind Lauren and held her arm.

"Whoa look lady this has nothing to do with you so run along"he said smirking as if that did anything.

"This has everything to do with me if your harassing my girl" Lauren said getting even angrier than before.

"Your girl?.....please she could use a man unlike you " he said pushing Lauren this time and laughed getting a few onlookers. Lauren took a breath and tried being as polite as she could.

"Look why don't you get out of here before things get ugly, and I say this in the nicest way I can"Lauren said clutching her hands.

"whatever your a girl you can't do shit, women are weak" he said getting closer to Laurens face as Lauren tried not to punch the guy right now"like you sweet heart" with that Lauren swung her right hand punching him in the nose and hitting him in the groin with her knee making him fall to the floor.

"I suggest you leave if you wanna keep your balls this time" Lauren said as the man tried to stand up stumbling to the floor again and almost crawling his way out the cafe. Lauren turned to camila and held her cheeks as she analyzed her features.

"You okay?" Lauren said worriedly as camila looked at her and smiled.

"Are you ?" Camila said pulling her by the waist and in to a hug as Lauren held her close by the shoulders.

"God babe you don't know how hot and scary that was all at once" camila said pulling Lauren by the neck and giving her a passionate kiss.

"Yeah well no one messes with my girl" Lauren said still so close to camila's face as camila smiled and giggled. Camila took Laurens hand in her own and examined it for a moment before looking up at Lauren again and kissing her knuckles not once breaking eye contact making Laurens heart race.

"Is your hand okay though?" Camila asked linking there fingers.

"Yeah, much" Lauren said as they stand with one another for a moment reminiscing in each others presents .

"What are you doing here I thought you were busy" camila said leading Lauren to sit down in the booth with her.

"I was but I came here to ask you something" Lauren said with a nervous smile"that is if you say yes...'

"What am I agreeing to?" Camila asked with suspicion.

"Well we've been dating for 3 months and I wanted to do something special. If you allow me too." Lauren said hopefully as camilas heart fluttered with affection.

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