Chapter 16

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They sat in the car now as Lauren held on to camila letting a few tears fall because the pain of her leg and the idea of her not being able to do regular things anymore. Like running or playing sports or even just simply walking because of possible nerve damage, that was one thing the doctor forgot to mention as Lauren read the papers in front of her of her hospitalization.

"Do you think I could ever do the things I use to?" Lauren asked as she lay her head on camila shoulder.

"We'll see in time" camila said not really knowing what to say. They sat in relative silence as they drove home. Once they got back to there apartment they all settled down in the living room with much difficulty for Lauren .

"You wanna go to your room your gonna need the rest" camila said as she wheeled Lauren in the wheelchair they gave her. Lauren only nodded as she pushed her to her room with Normani in tow to help. Once they got Lauren in bed Normani left the two as camila sat on the edge of the bed looking down at Lauren.

"Cuddle?" Lauren asked with nala next to her as she played with her ears. Camila smiled at her as her heart melted at the sight.

"Of course "camila said laying next to Lauren carefully as Lauren lay her head on her shoulder and sighed. They lay there for the moment before Lauren spoke.

"You know what sucks?" Lauren asked as she played with camila shirt.

"Hmmm" camila hummed as she caressed Laurens back.

"That we didn't get to have sex on this get away" Lauren said bluntly making camila bust out in laughter.

"Lauren "camila said as Lauren laughed along with her.

"What you can't tell me you weren't thinking it either" Lauren protested still smiling as camila still giggled.

"Maybe" camila said still smiling

"Maybe" Lauren mimicked still smiling at camila.

"Okay yes" camila said playing with Lauren's hair.

"Yes what " Lauren said looking up at camila.

"Yes.......I was thinking about it too" camila said looking in to Laurens eyes now.

"Sucks huh?" Lauren asked nodding a little.

"Well not really I mean sure we don't get to but I still have you " camila said still playing with her hair.

"Really......cause I wanted to do something different this time" Lauren said lowering her voice.

"Different how?" Camila said feeling a little nerves. Lauren leaned closer and whispered in to camilas ear about what she would do making camilas eyes go big and her squeeze her legs together.

" um yeah this really does suck"camila said pouting making Lauren laugh.

"Yeah sucks for you" Lauren said trying to get a rise out of her.

"Me? Why me?" Camila said looking at Lauren in disbelief .

"Oh cause you can resist" Lauren said making camila Scuf as she just giggled.

"Yeah okay missy whatever" camila said tickling Lauren side.

"Camz no" Lauren protested as she giggled a little.

"Oh is someone ticklish " camila said tickling Lauren a little more.

"You know im ticklish " Lauren said laughing as Camila tickled her sides a little more making her squirm making Lauren lifter her leg and yelp in pain and bear her face in camila shirt as she held on to her waist tightly. Camila noticing what she did and stopped tickling Lauren completely.

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