Chapter 2

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"So your telling me that we get Mila and Lauren to go on a date without them knowing?" Dinah questioned looking at Normani for confirmation.

"Yes exactly " Normani said smiling to herself.

It was after hours and ally and Dinah were cleaning up the place and getting ready to close as they talked with Normani about setting there to crazed working friends together.

"Okay how do you suppose we do that then?" ally added whipping down the counter.

"Okay okay so we all agree to hang out together but suddenly we all have an emergency to attend to and that leaves them two alone with nothing else to do but hang out with each other and talk " Normani said in one breath contemplating the plan

"Okay I like where this is going" Dinah said leaning on the counter listening to Normani and thinking

"So what are we going to do to get them alone to talk" ally said leaning next to Dinah and giving them her attention.

"We need to do something that we can get out of but they can't" Normani said then added "but what...." She squinted in thought

"How about skating"Ally said

"No "Normani added still squinting

"Bowling?" Dinah added

No" Normani said

"Movies?" ally asked hopefully

"Yes" Normani said

"Really?" Ally asked happily

"No " Normani said bluntly

"Okay I'm beat I don't know what we could possibly do to get them stuck in doing something together without leaving " Dinah said standing up straight and getting her things to leave, ally following her as well. Normani meeting them at the door as they lock up and walk home.

As they walk home ally spoke up "wait do you even know if camila likes girls?" Turning towards Dinah

"Um I don't but we'll find out soon" Dinah said still walking then added "wait does Lauren like girls?" Looking towards the other two girls

"Lauren is bisexual so yeah, she's only been on a few dates but nothing ever serious she hasn't even kissed anyone" Normani said looking down at her feet while walking and laughing at herself at the thought.

Dinah looked at Normani with wide eyes and said " really! Mila hasn't had her first kiss either" at that Normani look up and smiled and said " really omg" as Dinah nodded

"How cute would that be if they were each others first kiss awwww " Ally said squealing

"We definitely need to make this happen" Dinah said with a huge smile.

"Aww their gonna get married one day "Normani gushed.

"And have kids" Dinah added as they both awe'd.

"And there kids will have kids" Normani gushed.

"Oh my god who do think would propose?" Dinah asked.

"Probably Lauren " Normani said as Dinah and Normani thought for a moment.

"Yeah" they agreed as Ally just laughed at her ridiculous friends.

" guys they haven't even met yet let alone get married and have kids already" Ally said as Normani and Dinah looked at her in disbelief.

"Ally leave us alone and let us have this" Normani said "oooh we should give them a ship name" she added in excitement.

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