Chapter 31

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After the fourth of July Lauren and camila stayed a little longer up at the lake with their families but mainly took time to themselves and hung around the cabin across the lake were they would talk, laugh, cook together, and make passionate love.

They had fun together up at the lake before having to go home After a long weekend of enjoying family time together. Weeks went by that Lauren and camila grew closer as a couple and stayed true to their promise they made to one another. Lauren felt content about Their relationship and could see herself having a long future with camila. Of course being a college student they would both have a job only working every other day before getting to have time together and relaxed, they even hung out with Dinah when she came back from California with her family and talked a lot with her about their weekend camila getting to gossip about her time with Lauren over at the lake as well as Lauren did with Normani and Ally.

Lauren worked a few days out of the week to save on money for when she headed back to college and with the girls in the fall. She mainly stayed with camila and out of the house knowing Marco stayed around and avoided anything he had a say in. Life couldn't be better so far as she had a amazing girlfriend, friends and family she got to spend time with more than ever this year than any and she couldn't wait to know what the last year of college had in-store for her.

Lauren lay with camila now at her house for a while before heading off to work later on and getting out later to meet her at her own house. Lauren lay with camila on her shoulder as they play with one another's hand.

"Camz what do you say we move in together this next semester?" Lauren asked as camila stopped playing with her fingers and leaned on her elbow to get a better view of Lauren.

"Move in together?" Camila asked as Lauren nodded and sat up with her against the headboard.

"Yeah I mean we go to the same place and up until November we'll known each other for over a year but be dating a year in February" Lauren said analysing everything in her head.

"I don't know what if it doesn't work?" Camila asked feeling a doubt she didn't want to feel.

"You remember how we stayed at that cabin with each other for another 3 days" Lauren said as camila nodded "well it would be like that only we'd help each other out "

" can I think about it?" Camila's asked knowing that would be a huge step in there relationship.

"Yeah of course" Lauren said caressing her cheek and took her hand in her own "but whatever you decided I'm okay with it as long I still have you"

"Okay it's just it would be a huge step in our relationship "camila said as Lauren only nodded and gave her a reassuring smile.

"I know but it was more of a thought" Lauren said as she looked down at their hands, camila lifted Laurens chin and found her graze.

"I would love to move in with you Lauren, to be closer to you" camila said as Lauren gave her a small smile "I just want to think about it all before diving head first you know"

"Yeah I know" Lauren said with understanding "to be honest I'm still think about it, I just wanted to know how you would feel if we were to"

"How about we talk more about this later on tonight when I see you after work?" Camila asked as Lauren just smiled and nodded giving camila a sweet kiss before standing up from the bed.

"Okay I'll text you " Lauren said hopping off of the bed as camila stayed "see you babe"

"See ya" camila said as Lauren walked out of the room as camila sit in the same spot for a moment before Lauren came running back to the room and tackled camila "Lauren haha"

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