Chapter 3

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Camila got back to her apartment she was bombarded with questions from her best friend.

"So...." Dinah said as she smiled like an idiot when camila walked in.

"So what? " camila said unknowingly

"So how did it go loser?" Dinah said a little taking back at her vague answer. Camila smiled at her self thinking about Lauren. she's never been in a relationship but she's never actually like someone so much that she felt butterflies and Lauren with those green eyes and long flowing hair and how sweet she was like you knew she doesn't take crap from anyone. She just can't help but feel an excitement inside her.

" hello earth to Mila" Dinah said waving her hand in front of the small Cubans face.

" it went amazing thanks for ditching us " camila said rolling her eyes and smiled a little to herself.

" oh no I saw that Mila you like her don't you?" Dinah asked as she smiled at camila with a knowing look.

Camila rolled her eyes and headed towards her room "night Dinah" she added hear Dinah yelling her name to come back.

She lay in her bed thinking about her night how perfect it went with this new girl she met.she was just laying there when her phone went off in her pocket and seeing a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: loved hanging out too can't wait to do it again xoxo Lauren

Camila smile grew ten times wider seeing who it was and felt that feeling of excitement again .

Camila: yeah can't wait either night Lauren xoxo

Camila turned off her phone and changed into some clothes for bed and was heading to bed when she got another text.

Lauren : night camila xoxo

With that she headed off to bed. Hoping this could be something more than just someone new in her life.

Lauren looked at her last text she sent and put her phone down. She got up changing her clothes and climbing in to bed but not before Normani and Ally came in to ask her about her date that she knows they set her up with.

" how did it go?" Normani said jumping on the bed with Ally.

" how did what go?" Lauren said acting oblivious to her friends intentions

" you and know your da.." Ally said but was cut off by Normani shoving her and giving her a glare and Lauren seeing this happen and rolled her eyes.

"Look guys I know what you did and to be honest it was great we had fun and that  is all there is to say now if you would. Please get out" Lauren said ushering them towards the door.

" I have no idea what your talking about I just wanted to know how your day went " Normani said standing up with ally and headed to the door.

"Yeah okay night " Lauren said rolling her eyes. As they said good night and turned out the light Lauren stayed there looking at the ceiling and smiling and thinking about camila. Lauren really likes camila and doesn't want to mess it up by letting her into her misery. Lauren has this feeling she gets being around her and so far it's the first time they actually meet each other know that they've know their friends for a while but never each other. Lauren likes Camila but is unsure of what that means she's never actually been in a relationship or even kissed anyone but she feels something with her as if she can connect with her and on a deeper level just based on her little encounterment. Lauren falls asleep with a mind of questions but with a smile on her face but with hope that she gets to know more of this girl who is apart of her life now more than she knows.

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