Chapter 14

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Lauren woke up the next morning feeling a little sore and tried to get up but felt a weight on her. She looked down and saw camila wrapped around her waist with a leg tangled with hers and her hair covering her face. Lauren smiled and lifted a hand to move camila's hair out of her face to look at her beautiful features. Lauren thought about what happened last night and smiled wider.Lauren looked back at camila and giggled a little,she leaned down and placed a kiss on camilas forehead then on her cheek and down her neck and back up. At this camila stirred and blinked a few times opening her eyes to beautiful green eyes she's ever seen.

"Hi"Lauren whispered as camila cuddled in to Lauren and smiled .

"Hi" camila whispered back kissing Laurens neck, they got chills from the balcony doors being opened all night so Lauren pulled the blanket over them a little more.

"How are feeling this morning? "Lauren asked rubbing camilas back gently as camila rubbed Laurens sides making the muscles tighten a little.

"A little sore" camila said sleepy as she mumbled in to Laurens neck.

"A good sore?" Lauren asked as camila chuckled.

"Oh yeah " camila said as Lauren could feel her smile in her neck as she kissed it again.

"You still tried?" Lauren asked giving camila a little squeeze in there embrace as camila just nodded.

"Okay go to sleep it still early" Lauren said kissing camilas temple a few times and settling to sleep once more as camila tightened her hold on Lauren. They slept for a while longer and Lauren got up and cleaned up the place while camila slept a little longer and got dressed once everything was done knowing her friend would come and change the sheets for her, owing her for last time.

Camila stirred and blindly looked around for the body that was laying next to her but when she felt nothing she sat up with the blanket covering self as she fixed her ruffled hair.

"Hey beautiful your up" Lauren said with her coffee in her hand as she kiss camilas cheek.

"Hey "camila said as she noticed Lauren dressed and with breakfast in her hand. Lauren hopped on the bed and sat in front of camila with some food and orange juice.

"While you were sleeping I went out and got us some food and you your orange juice" Lauren said as camila smiled gratefully.

"Aww thank you baby "camila said as Lauren handed her a shirt that she quickly put on along with her underwear and crawled in to Laurens lap.

"You spoil me you need to stop I think I fall in love with you even more everytime" Camila said kissing Laurens cheek and taking a bite out of her food and a sip of her orange juice.

"Well I like doing things for you" Lauren said hugging camila from behind.

"Yeah but so do I....."camila said chewing her food."next time I'm gonna do something for you"

"Camz you don't have too..."Lauren protested as camila cut her off with a soft kiss now that she didn't have morning breath.

"I want to "camila said caressing Laurens cheek and giving her another kiss as Lauren whispered an okay.

"Well you finish and we'll head out and go for a walk before Normani shows up to take us back to the city" Lauren caressing camilas sides lightly. They finished eating and got ready and left the place with Lauren locking the door. She lead them down a path near a small river as they walked hand in hand in the warm sun.

"I love you..." Lauren said randomly as camila felt her heart flutter and beat fast.

"Jeez Lauren warn a girl before you giver her heart palpitations"camila said placing a hand over her heart as Lauren smiled.

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