Chapter 23

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Lauren felt as if her world was spinning as Marco stand in the doorway of her home again after she had left for college. Her mother and explained that he had left and moved out of there home a few months after she left to college. So she was happy to know he wasn't around to pose a threat to her siblings or even her mom and dad.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren said trying to keep her composure as she felt like running anywhere but stand here in front of him.

"Oh honey I thought it would be a surprise that your uncle Marco is staying with us this summer as well" Clara said not really noticing Laurens discolored face.

"'s definitely a surprise" Lauren said releasing her hold on her siblings

"Yeah it's nice to have old Marco back" Mike said patting him on the back as they chuckled.

"Why don't you come in side and head upstairs and settle in you look tired" Clara said as Lauren just nodded and moved pass everyone and headed up stair as Chris followed with her things.

"I got it Chris" Lauren said taking her things from him and walking to her room. Once she was in the room she dropped her things and closed door as she opened the window and climbed it to the roof. Lauren pulled out her phone as she dialed camilas number and tried to breath.

"Hey Lo it's almost midnight " camila chuckled as Lauren calmed down a bit but whimpered nonetheless.

"Lo?....what's wrong?" Camila asked sitting up in bed and turning on her light.

"He's here and I......" Lauren paused as she tried breath as a few tears rolled down her cheek "I don't know what to do"

"Okay first breath with me " camila said breathing in and out with Lauren as she tried to call down.

"Look just keep your distance and don't stay in a room alone with him okay" camila said as Lauren nodded .

"Okay..." Lauren said as she breath in and out "he's gonna be here for the summer"

"Camila I don't think I can do this I can't stay here not with him" Lauren said still trying to breath as she looked up at the sky as the stars shined brighter in Miami then New York.

"No Lo listen to me you can do this okay, your not running this time if he so much as even lays a hand on you I will not hesitate to kick ass" camila said smiling as Lauren chuckled through her tears.

"Your so small thought" Lauren said as with emotion in her voice as she continued to chuckle.

"No I'm not I could take you" camila said as Lauren laughed even more as camila laughed along.

"Okay camz.........I'll try, but that's all I can promise" Lauren said as they sat in silence for a moment.

"Okay " camila said as she nodded and as they sat in silence.

"The stars are great out here"Lauren said looking up at the stars as she brought her knees to her chest.

"Where are you?" Camila asked as she against her headboard.

"On the roof" Lauren said as they talked quietly "

"How did you get up there?" Camila said smiling at Laurens silliness.

"My window" Lauren explained " I use to come out here a lot when I wanted to get away from school or my parents or family in general"

"You have to show me some time" camila said biting her lip

"I will" Lauren said thinking for a moment "what about you, you have a get away?"

"Me? "Camila said as Lauren hummed "um okay mine is in a park in an old tree house"

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