Chapter 10

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Camila had been at work and was cleaning up before she left. She texted Lauren a few times before getting out of work but didn't get a reply. She had been texting her but only had gotten a good morning text all day but nothing more.

Camz: I have a an hour left before I get out of work.......I miss you...

Camz:I'm out in 10 minutes still coming?...

Camz: I just got out of work where are you?

Camz: Lauren?

Camila waited for a few minutes but decided to leave and walk home since Lauren didn't show or even send her a text. Camila decided to stop by Ally's job to see of she didn't end up stopping by her roommates work place and had lost track of time. When she got there she caught Ally locking up the place with Dinah.

"Hey guys, Dinah I thought you didn't have work today" camila said confused.

"Oh I don't I was on my way to your job and decided to stop here first " Dinah said as Ally finished locking up.

"Oh well Lauren was supposed to walk me home but she didn't show or answer my text" Camila asked trying to hide her worry." Has she texted you guys?"

"Um no she's your girlfriend that would be weird " Dinah said joking but only to have camila force a laugh that didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh hey walz I'm sure if we saw her we'd tell you" Dinah said trying to reassure her friend.

"Yeah I mean the last I heard of Lauren was this morning" Ally said taking out her phone.

"I'll text her and see were she's at" Ally said texting Lauren as camila had a bad feeling.

"She's not answering my text" Dinah said "yeah me either" Ally added.

"Have you tried calling?" Ally asked facing camila as she shook her head no and took out her phone and tried calling her girlfriend. It went to voicemail Every time, no one ever picked up after about the 5th time with no answer to the other girls either.

"Okay Laurens never done this before and I'm getting worried" Ally said with an worried face.

"Okay maybe she's back at your apartment" Dinah said trying not to show how worried she was herself as camila said nothing fearing the worst. When they made it back to the apartment they made it to see the door wide open and lights off. They stepped in and walked towards the kitchen and turned the light on to find shattered glass everywhere and blood prints on the floor. Ally walked with caution with Dinah and camila trailing.

"Be careful there's glass everywhere" Ally said walking around the glass to see anything other then that.

"What happened?" Dinah whispered

"I have no idea" Ally whispered back. The blood prints lead to a room that had the only light on. When they stepped in they found it trashed. Books, clothes, and everything off the desk all across the floor with a few blood prints on it.

"Oh my god" camila whispered close to tears, Covering her mouth in shock looking around the room as Something across the room caught Ally's eye.

"I found her phone " Ally said as she picked it up finding that it was shattered.

"Do you think someone could have taken her?" Camila asked as they stepped around the room with caution .

"No don't think like that walz" Dinah said walking over to a now crying camila and hugged her.

"She's probably okay" Dinah said trying to reassure her friend.

"How can you say that when we walk in to find her room trashed and blood in the kitchen with glass everywhere" camila said through her tears. As Dinah looked over to ally worriedly not knowing what to say. After a while the girls settled down a moment trying not to fear the worst and cleaned up the mess and sat together in silence in the living room and trying to figure out where Lauren could be. Normani walked in with food knowing it was her turn for dinner and didn't take notice of her friends distress.

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