Chapter 15

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Lauren and camila made it out the building and found that the girls were chatting up with siope and val about something. Dinah noticing their appearance introduced them as She dragged a very tall man along with her.

"Oh guys this is siope" Dinah said smiling big as well as Lauren and camila seeing Dinah happy and nervous at the same time.

"Siope this is camila and Lauren " Dinah said as siope stretched out his hand to shake there's .

"Oh so this is the famous camren"siope said smiling and Dinah laughed lightly and nodded as camila just looked at her in disbelief .

"Really Dinah " camila said as Dinah only shrugged.

"It's nice to finally meet you siope I've heard way too much about you and all I can say is there's finally someone taller then Dinah so I already like you"camila said as her and siope laughed, along with Lauren as Dinah pouted.

"Hey" Dinah said with a disbelief look

"Oh come on DJ your not that short" siope said intertwining there hands and kissing her temple making her blush as camila and Lauren looked at one another and smiled happy for their friend.

"Okay guys lets get this show on the road " Ally said from Norman's car as the guys, troy and Val hopped into the truck with all the stuff.

"Yeah I'm ready for the beach" Lauren said walking over to the truck and handing troy her stuff as he took it and placed it with the others as she said a quick thank you and ran over and dragged camila to the car. The guys got in the truck and lead the way as the girls hopped in Normani's car and followed as they blasted music the whole way.

"God it's a nice day for the beach I can't wait " Ally said stretching her hands out the window.

"So that was siope...." Camila said as song changed and Dinah lowered so they could hear one another .

"Yeah his great isn't he?" Dinah said blushing a little.

"Yeah just didn't expect him to be so......tall" camila said trying to find the right word.

"Yeah look at D she's lovestruck all over the place"Normani said as the girls giggled.

"Oh shut up mani we seen you with Val" Dinah protested slapping her arm lightly as the girls ooo'ed.

"What at least I can keep my chill" Normani said as Dinah and Ally laughed.

"Oh yeah" Dinah said "hey Val nice truck" Dinah said mimicking Normani.

"Is that..." Ally added pausing for effect as her and Dinah fluttered there eyes flirtatiously.

"Leather!" They said as all the girls laughed together at Normani as she just smiled and shook her head.

"Okay are you done now" Norman said keeping her eyes on the road as the girls continued to laugh.

"Haha.....yeah" Dinah said still laughing some what.

"Good" Normani said hiring the music as to block the girls out but only for everyone to sing along to Beyonce .

If I ain't got something, I don't give a damn
Cause I got it with you
I don't know much about algebra, but I know 1+1 equals 2

They sang along to song on the 2 hour drive to long beach and just relaxed on the way there. Camila sat with Lauren as she played with their fingers while Lauren looked out the window in thought of everything. Camila brought Laurens hand to her lips and kissed every finger tip to show her love and that she was there for her. Lauren looked over and smiled at her and laid her head on her shoulder and kissed it as she snuggled further in to her.
It was along ride but it gave the girl time to think about a lot. What happened over spring break and so far this year and summer come along. After 2 hours they made it to the beach and they all hopped out the car and stretched before heading to the beach and spiralling out. Lauren took off her shoes and just ran towards the beach as everyone watched her go looking at one another in confusion before doing the same and following. She made it to the water and spread her arms out as she soaked in the sun with her eyes closed. Camila came behind her and did the same but stood close to Lauren and let there fingers intertwine in the air as she leaned her head closer to get a good look at Lauren who opened her eyes and turned her head to find camila.

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