Chapter 24

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After a long week as camila and Lauren hung out with family, Friday was here as Clara and Mike cleaned up the place and set things up for there guess. Lauren kept her distance from Marco and barely acknowledged him as she walk around and thought about what she heard that morning while he was on the phone could have ment. Camila prepared all week on how she would just tell her parents about her relationship but after her talk with Sofi she had more confidence in how she approach the subject and just go for it. Lauren sat on her roof with her headphones in as she tried to clear her mind of everything and relax herself. As for camila and her family made some food and were on there way over to Laurens house now.

"Okay so we have some fresh rice and beans and tapas " sinu said as she packed the food up in the car .

"Aye mama you didn't have to make so much food"camila said helping bring the food to the car.

" callate cariño I can do what I want" sinu said shuting the trunk "it's called being nice"

"I know" camila said as they made there way over to the house to get everyone else.

"Sofi, Alejandro vámonos" sinú said entering the house as camila sighed as she made her way to her room to get her phone. She opened her messages and quickly sent Lauren a text.

Lolo: I'm on my way now, hope things go well.

Camila texted as she put her phone away and made her way downstairs and to the car as she locked up the house. She hopped in the car along with her family as they drove the short distance to Lauren's house. As they got there they all had food in hands except camila who tried to stall as much as she could before meet up with Lauren and telling her parent about them two. Clara opened the door just as they made it up the steps.

"Sinu!" Clara said hugging her as best she could with the food in her hands.

"Clara!" Sinu said returning the embrace"it's been a while how are you?"

"In good come on in come on in" Clara said guiding them through the house already knowing them but not so much her family.

"Oh Mike this is sinu and her husband  Alejandro and her two daughters Sofi and you remember camila" Clara said as mike smiled at the two.

"Oh it's nice to meet you sinu and Alejandro" Mike said shaking there hand "you as well sofi and its nice seeing you again camila"

"You too papa j" camila said hugging him.

"You've met already?" Sinu asked looking between the the three.

"Yes we met camila when we went to see are daughter in New York" Clara said as the rest of her family came over to the living room.

"Oh and these are my other two youngest kids Chris and Taylor" Clara said as the two gave them a short wave.

"Well hi there " Sinu said as Clara seen there hands were packed with food.

"Oh you guys can bring that food to the back here " Clara said guiding them all to the backyard where they found Marco starting up the grill as camila looked around for Lauren.

"You can just place it in the table here with the rest of the food" Clara said as the cabellos did as they were told. Clara noticed camila looking for Lauren so she pulled her aside and whispered in her ear that she was up stairs, camila nodded her head as she made her way in side as the Jauregui's and cabello's talked and introduced Marcos to everyone and Taylor and Chris hung out with Sofi and played a little soccer in the back. Camila made her way up stairs and found Laurens room but no Lauren, she looked around Laurens room and saw picture of her and her friends on her wall along with things like graduation pictures and softball medals, camila smiled as she looked around Lauren room from when she use to live here.

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