Chapter 7

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" I don't know if I can do this mani I'm freaking out " Lauren said passing the room .

"Lauren you'll be fine stop freaking out" Normani said standing up and holding her friend at arm's length .

"Look just think of it as another hang out but fancier okay...its just you and camila going out there's really nothing knew or anything to be nervous about alright" Normani said as Lauren calmed down a little.

It was Saturday night , it has been a long week but it's finally here and Lauren was getting ready as well as camila and was headed to go pick up her date but was afraid What she planned wouldn't be good enough and camila would reconsider being anything other then friends.

" it's time now go get ya girl and have a fun night " Normani said as Lauren took a deep breath in and nodded. She went to the door and slid her jacket on and was ready to go.

"Wait Lo" Ally called her and throwing her a package she skillfully caught. Lauren opened her hand and saw it was mints and looked up at the short blond who only winked as Lauren blushed.

"Have fun" Normani said with a smirk and pushed Lauren out the door. Lauren stood for a moment and gathered herself as she set off to pick up camila borrowing Normani's a car.

Camila paced her room freaking out and getting ready. Dinah doing her makeup and helping her choose an outfit that she was comfortable in but flashy. As Normani and Ally helped Lauren get dressed for tonight as well.

" so did she finally tell you what's she's planning ?" Dinah said watching camila continue to pace.

"No and I'm freaking out what if I make myself look like an idiot then she doesn't like me anymore" camila said stopping in front of Dinah "what if she doesn't want to be friends anymore oh man"

"Whoa okay chancho chill she is not gonna just walk away that easily are you kidding she adores you" Dinah said as camila took a seat with her and rest her head on Dinah's shoulder." Besides if she does and hurts my little chanch I will not hesitate to kick ass" Dinah added as camila sat up playing with her hands.

"What if it doesn't go like it should Dinah?" Camila asked

"It will trust come on Laurens almost here to pick up my chanch" Dinah said leading camila to the bathroom to finish up her makeup and get her ready. After a few more minutes when they finished they heard a knock on the door. Camila instantly grew nervous as Dinah opened the door to a shy looking Lauren with a small smile with her hands behind he back. Dinah wanting to protect Mila graved Lauren by the collar and brought her close as Lauren looked up to her in fear.

"Hurt my chanch I hurt you got it" Dinah said as Lauren quickly nodded and then smiled and let her go.

"Dinah" camila whined as Dinah held her hands up in surrender and let her pass.

"Hi " camila said with a shy smile

"Hi" Lauren returned with the same shy smile and brought her hands in front of her from wear she had them hidden. In her hand she held a delicate white single rose. Camila eyes followed what she had in her hand and smiled wider and blushed.

"Um...I got you this rose, it's white because well usually people get people red roses but I wanted this to be are thing you know change it um.. here" Lauren said rambling and handing camila the rose as she stand there watching her ramble as her heart fluttered.

"Thanks its beautiful"camila almost whispered and smelled the rose as they both shy looked at one another.

"Awe camren " Dinah squealed as they blushed .

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