Chapter 21

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Lauren hated going home, mainly because he was there. And for what reason she could handle herself anyways. Lauren made it home with enough time before he started asking her questions about her appearance. She seen his truck in the drive in so he was here which wasn't good. Lauren quickly and quietly as possible that she could went in side her house and tried to avoid him at all cost. She stepped across the threshold and tried to take her steps up stairs but...

"Where were you?" He said as he sat in the living room on the couch.

"Step in here" he said not looking away from the tv, Lauren sighed and walked over to the living area.

"I just came from school after practice" Lauren said feeling her heartbeat out of her chest.

"You think imma fool?" He said from where he sat as he shifted .

"" Lauren said feeling scared.

"Good now go somewhere I have people coming over later" he said as he sat there, Lauren only nodded as she headed to the stairs again only to mumble a 'baster' under her breath.

"What was that?" He said looking towards her now.

"Nothing " Lauren said trying to run up the stair.

"You get your ass back over here now!" He yelled as Lauren swallowed the lump in her through. She slowly turned around again and made her way over to the living area again. He got up this time and stood in front of now.

"I will not have you disrespect me in my house" he said pointing towards Lauren. She regretted the next words unturned from her lips.

"It isn't your house you don't live here" Lauren said and all she felt was a hand across her face.

"Say something again" he said as Lauren held her cheek.

"Your mother should have beaten you when she had the chance" he sneered as be tuned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"They should have beaten you" Lauren replied back, she just couldn't help it.

"What did you say.......oh i'll show you a beating" he said pulling the leather from his pants. He walked over to Lauren and swung his arm but missed as she tried to run to her room from the stairs . but he caught her by the hair and threw her to the floor that caused her to have a short of breath. he swung his arm and hit her across her back a few times before kicking her in the stomach.

"Please stop" Lauren whispered as she cradled her body in the floor near the wall.

"I should stop?" He said as he laughed in her face holding a leather belt as he sneered at her.

"You don't give me a reason to Lauren " he spat as he swung his arm and hit her again making Lauren wimped in pain.

"If you listened to me the first time we wouldn't be here" He swung the belt even harder against her Pharrell skin. He walked over to her and pulled her by the hair so he could get a good look at her.

"This is what happens to you same sex loving people that don't know what's right" he whispered before punching her in the jaw and kicking her in the stomach.

"You got what you deserve" he said before dropping the belt and walked out of the room and out the door getting in his car and leaving a beaten Lauren on the floor with a busted lip and beaten up body.... to fend for herself , as her parents worked and her siblings were always off to their grandmothers home and her dad's brother to watch the house.

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