Chapter 9

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"Hey chancho" Dinah said from the couch as her friend walked in with the biggest smile. "Where were you all day?"

"Oh you know" camila said with a happy sigh walking past Dinah and heading to her room" with my girlfriend.."

Dinah eyes widen as she tried to get off the couch as quickly as possible but failing and ended up falling on the floor but getting back up and running to camilas room.

"GIRLFRIEND!?" Dinah yelled walking in to camilas room as camila smiled big and nodded.

"When?, where? How? " Dinah said eager to know about the two.

" today, on top of the statue of liberty, as we stood in each others arms eeeeee!!!" Camila squealed as Dinah squealed with her

"Wow walz this is your first relationship!!" Dinah said in excitement as camila smiled and jumped on the bed.

"Oh my god I'm in a relationship" camila stopped jumping as her face got serious and she didn't know what to do.

"Holy shit I have a girlfriend" camila said smiling again while Dinah just smiled at her friend.

"How does it feel?" Dinah questioned while camila looked over at her best friend.

"Amazing...." Camila said smiling thinking about Lauren.

Lauren laid in her bed after camila and smiled to herself and squealed a little and hopped up from her bed and put on some music and danced around. Normani got home from a long day of work and came in to the apartment and through herself in the couch and sighed. She layer there for a moment before she hear music playing, she looked around as if she was crazy and got up to and followed the noise that lead to Laurens room. what she found was a happy Lauren dancing around and she smiled as Lauren was having fun until she noticed Normani in the doorway of her room. She just smiled and gestured her to join in and Normani being a dancer couldn't resist.

"Why are we dancing" Normani said laughing with Lauren about their dance moves.

"Can't I just be happy and dance around" Lauren said more then asked.

"Okay what happened?" Normani questioned as she stopped in place and Lauren lowered the music.

"Oh you know hung out with camz, went to the statue of liberty, asked her to be my biggie." Lauren said with a neutral face and waving her off as Normani's eyes widen as lauren smiled again.

"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!?" Normani yelled as Lauren smiled wider at the title.

"Yes, wow I'm sad 22 years old and this is my first relationship" Lauren said shaking her head.

"So... It's your first relationship, we need to celebrate" Normani said walking to the kitchen and coming back with wine.

"Um yes " Lauren said getting a glass.

" turn it up Lo" Normani said as they danced and sung along to Maroon 5 sugar.

'Your sugar your sweet
Why don't you come
and put it Down on me'

Ally showed up just a few minutes after going through the same process as Lauren as they all squealed and danced like it was another party they went to. Later they all settled down and talked to Lauren about her day and their day.

"So how was your day?" Lauren asked sitting at the island with the other girls gesturing to both if them.

"Same as usual school, dance , work and coming here now back to you.." Normani said as Lauren shook head and rolled her eyes." You guys spent the day together and didn't tell us?"

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