Chapter 17

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It was an early Saturday and Lauren sat awake writing lyrics. She did this every time she stress but after hours with no sleep shes been just writing small ideas but no clear songs. With a frustrated huff she closed her notebook and through it a side. she looked to the side and saw the clock said 4: 37 so she stare at her phone in her hand before dialing someone's number and putting the phone up to her ear, she sighed in relief when she heard her voice through the phone and closed her eyes.

"Hey" Lauren said as she can imagine camila yawning like a baby puppy and smiled at the thought.

"Hey Lolo what's up" camila said sitting up in bed and turning the bedside lamp on.

"Nothing I just.....wanted hear your voice is all" Lauren said almost whispering.

"Mmm is that so"camila said blushing at laurens early sweet talk.

"Yes....and today's the day and I really don't want to be alone right now"Lauren almost whined as she curled the best she could in bed.

"Well your not....did you get any sleep you sound tired" camila asked a little worried.

"Um not really I just........I'm freaking out cause my family's gonna be here later on tonight and my leg kinda hurts" Lauren said rubbing her leg a little.

"Awe my Lolo" camila said in a baby voice that made Lauren have butterflies." Don't you have that appointment at the hospital today?

"Yeah....I have to have a check up today and get my bandages changed" Lauren said feeling sleep fall on her "are you gonna come with me?"

"Of course I am why wouldn't I" camila said making a face "when is it?"

"Um.......10.." Lauren said as she sighed and closed her eyes. Camila smiled knowing what was happening.

"Looo....." Camila sang as Lauren hummed "are you falling asleep?"

"No.." Lauren said almost unconscious "can you sing me something ?"

"Okay what do you want me to sing" camila said sitting on her bed as she hears Lauren soft voice get softer.

"Anything" Lauren whispered as camila thought of a song and began to song.

Another day another life
Passes by just like mine
It's not complicated

Another mind
Another soul
Another body to grow old
It's not complicated

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
Hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday you were here with me

Camila sang as Lauren fell asleep. She finished the song and sat for a moment listening to Lauren soft breathing.

"Sleep tight baby" camila said before hanging up the phone and smiled at the thought of Lauren falling asleep. Camila got up and decided to shower and get dressed and maybe pick up breakfast for her and Lauren before meeting up with her and going to the appointment together. She grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower and got ready after getting dressed she ran over to get some food and maybe a coffee or two from her work place before heading up to Laurens place. When she got in the apartment she used a the spear key that was on the door frame to get in side and found Ally sitting cleaning the place up.

"Hey Ally morning" camila said happily closing the door after putting the key back and setting her bag down.

"Hey camila" Ally said eyeing camila hand with the food. Camila noticed and smiled.

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