Chapter 28

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It was the following week now and camila had an agreement with Dinah and Lauren that they would both celebrate their birthday together but would get their gifts on that day of their birthday. Today camila planned the whole day with Dinah being it was her birthday and she wanted to hang out with her best friends.

"Come on cheechee get up!" Camila said as she walked in to her room and opened the current bring light into the room.

"Ugh no let me sleep" Dinah said pulling the covers over her head as camila jumped on her.

"Come on cheechee it's your birthday we have to go celebrate properly before we celebrate with your family" camila said sitting next to Dinah who just groaned.

"I will send in reinforcements" camila said as Dinah peeked out of the blanket.

"You wouldn't " Dinah challenged as camila smirked.

"Get her!" Camila said as all of Dinah's siblings came in and hopped on her.

"Happy birthday Dinah!!!" They all yelled as Dinah tried to cover herself up and camila laughed. Dinah got up afterwards and got dressed as they headed out to camilas car.

"Okay so what are we doing?" Dinah asked as they got in the car.

"That my friend is just something your gonna have to find out but first food" camila said smirking driving off down the road, camila let Dinah listen to Beyonce and whatever she wanted as they made their trip to wherever it is they were going. They arrived to a familiar restaurant they always went to after school.

"Mila are old hang out" Dinah said feel touched as camila smiled.

"Yeah why not for old times sake now come on let's eat" camila said climbing out if the car. They walked in to there old hang out and got the table they would always sit in.

"Hey what can I - oh camila Dinah!" Ms. Maria who owned the place said in surprised to see the two.

"Hey Ms. Maria!" Dinah said standing up and hugging her along with camila.

"Wow it's been forever how are you guys?" Maria said as they both sat down.

"We've been doing great just got out of are 3rd year of college" camila said smiling.

"Wow really it's been that long " Maria said as camila nodded.

"Yeah and I'm just taking Dinah out for her birthday" camila said gesturing towards the Polynesian.

"Awe mija happy birthday " Maria said hugging Dinah once more "well for old friends I would gladly serve you on the house"

"Oh you don't have to do that" Dinah protested not wanting to feel like she can get whats she wants because it was her birthday.

"No I insist" Maria said as Dinah and camila gave her a grateful smile "the usual?"

"Yeah that would be great" camila said as Maria nodded and went to get their food. They talked for a while until their food came and they ate up.

"Camila is that you?" Someone said getting camilas attention as she was talking to Dinah.

" I know you? "Camila questioned the man walking up to them.

"Brian dont remember back in high school"he said smiling as camila thought.

"Oh yeah " camila said as she looked at him with no neutral face " Your the one who just wanted to get in to my pants"

"Oh yeah um right" he said scratching his neck awkwardly "yeah but that was in high school we're older now, you look great by the way"

"Yeah thanks" camila said awkwardly as her and Dinah stood up to leave.

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