Chapter 26

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Chris helped Lauren to her room seeing as she couldn't herself and looked paler than usual and weak as Clara noticing the two in the hall.

"Lauren your back..."Clara said eyeing Lauren and noticing her features" mija are you okay?"

"Not really " Lauren said leaning in to her brother for support "but im sure Its nothing I'll just sleep it off"

"Okay if not I'll get you some medicine  and make you some food " Clara said now a little worried.

"Okay..." Lauren said as Chris took her to her room and helped her to bed.

"You okay sis?" Chris asked Lauren before he left if she needed anything.

"Yeah I'm just a little cold" Lauren said as Chris ran over to her closet and grabbed another blanket for her .

"Thanks chrisy" Lauren said as she had her eyes closed the whole time. Chris just nodded and walked out the room turning off the light and closing her door. The next morning Lauren just seemed to be getting worse as she seemed even more tired then before and sweating like crazy. Lauren didn't get up for breakfast or even got out of bed, Clara went to check up on her daughter seeing as she has yet to get up to eat or even drink anything. When she walked in her room She found Lauren still in bed paler than ever shivering but sweating at the same time.

"Oh mija" Clara said as she sat on the bed with Lauren and placed a hand on her cheek. Clara had her hand on Lauren's cheek for a few second before she had to let go because she was burning up like water in the sun. Clara got up and went downstairs to get a few things. When she came back she had a cold towel in her had, some water, and medicine for now why she would go make some food for Lauren to try and eat.

"Lauren " Clara said trying to wake her up. Lauren she groaned as she barely opened her eyes to see who it was.

"Mom?" Lauren said in a weak voice as she closed her eyes again.

"Hey here drink some water" Clara said helping Lauren drink the water as she downed it seeming really thirsty had not having anything to drink or eat in hours. Lauren sighed as she let her head hit the pillow again.

"A little better?" Clara asked as Lauren nodded, she gave Lauren some medication and whipped her forehead with the small wet towel she had. After that Clara went downstairs to make Lauren some soup so she could eat and feel a little better. Clara came up with a tray of food and helped Lauren sit up in bed so she could feed her.

"Lauren have you eaten anything at all in the last 24 hours?" Clara said fixing up Laurens pillow behind her.

"Um..."Lauren said pausing as she tried to think with her head being on a cloud that she felt as thought nothing was real at the moment "just....breakfast at camila's...and....I kinda just fell asleep all day over there"

"Well I made you some food so eat up come on" Clara said helping Lauren eat her food. After a while Lauren only managed half of the bowl as she felt full but a little better then before "well imma keep some water in your room and the rest of your chicken soup for later, I have to go to work right now"

"Okay....." Lauren said getting back under the covers"who's here?"

"Well your dad's at work and Chris is off with some friends and Marco left for work as well so you'll be here with Taylor if that's okay" Clara said as Lauren was barely awake.

"Okay....."Lauren sighed as she let sleep take over her body. Clara kissed her daughters forehead and left for work as she reminded Taylor about Lauren in her room. After about an hour Lauren finding the strength and ran to the bathroom as she threw up what she had just barely eaten, Taylor hear Lauren from her room and rushed over to see what happened.

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