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"I'm going to take out the kids bins" Ariana says "they can do it there self" Malcom asks confused "yes but a child doesn't take out a bin until it over flows" she explains. "True" he laughs getting a drink "Ariana I thought you said you were going I do an online shop" Malcom asks "I did it's suppose to come today" Ariana gives him a soft smile.

Since all the children were at school, Malcom and Ariana decided to spend the day cleaning since it's hard when you have kids around the place.

"Can you hoover our room" Ariana asks "of course" he smiles pecking her lips. Ariana takes out the kitchen trash since that needed to go out first.

Ariana went into Ella's room and emptied all the food that was left in her room before going into Hudson's room.

Malcom looked in their top draw and noticed that he needed to buy more for something. He could have sworn that he had at least one condom left.

"MALCOM" Ariana calls, Malcom closed the draw walking to find Ariana. "What" he asks "Hudson's had sex" she sobs "how do you know" he asks "look in his bin" Ariana says. Malcom looked in and sighed "he stole my last one" he groans.

"My baby boy" Ariana sobs, Malcom hugs her "hey it's okay" he rubs her back "Malcom he's had sex that's no okay, he's young, he's 14" Ariana states "baby girl when did you first have sex" he asks "I don't know" she sobs "was it me or someone else" he asks "I think I was 15 close to me being 16" she answers and he nods.

"I really didn't want him to have sex this young" Ariana explains to Malcom "Ariana a good thing is that he used protection" he suggests "I know"
She says "we will talk to him when he gets home" Malcom says and she nods "he'll be with Ava I don't want to embarrass her" Ariana says "we won't talk to him in front of her, we also need to explain that he shouldn't be routing through our bedroom and taking our stuff with out asking" Malcom says and she nods "now finish taking out the trash okay and then we will ditch cleaning okay" Malcom says and she nods "Can we go store" she asks "what for" he asks "to buy some stuff" Ariana asks and he nods.

Ariana takes out the trash and sets out some bedding on each of the kids bed. Ariana did this every time she wanted the beds changing.

"Come on Baby your ready" Malcom asks and she nods. They both get into the car and drive to the shop.

"Basket or trolly" Malcom asks "basket" Ariana smiles and he nods wrapping his arm around her waist. Ariana throws a few things into the basket including snacks toothpaste and some sanitary things. "How many time do you think we" Malcom asks as Ariana puts condoms into the basket "well if our son is active we need more than we do it" Ariana says. "Please don't say you want to have a baby" he asks as she grabs a pregnancy test "we need one just in case" Ariana says. "Malcom could see the nerves building up inside of her. Malcom knew that Ariana knew that she didn't need all that stuff, he knew it was just her way of dealing with it.

"Ariana" Malcom asks "yes baby" she smiles "what's for tea tonight" he asks looking in the freezer "no idea" Ariana shrugs "okay" he nods.

"I love you sweet baby" Ariana pecks Malcom's lips "I love you too" he smiles as they pay. "Omg Lauren" Ariana gasps running away from Malcom and hugging her best friend. "Long time no see" Ariana smiles "I know, we totally need a get together" she smiles "I know" Ariana moans "how the kids" she asks "there good, how about little Izzy" Ariana asks "she's an absolute angel you said a baby was hard work" she laughs "no I said a baby was hard work if you have toddler" Ariana giggles kissing her check.

"Girls I'm sorry to bother you but Ariana we need to get home" Malcom reminds her "oh yeah sorry Lauren but I've got to go" she smiles and she nods.

They both make there way back to the car and drive home.

"Hi mum" Ella smiles "hi baby girl" Ariana smiles handing her a bottle of water "I've put some bedding on your bed" Ariana tells her "okay I'll do that now" she smiles running up the stairs.

"Hi you two" Ariana forces a smile. "Hi Ariana" Ava smiles.

"Baby have you spoken to him" Malcom asks "I wanted to do it with you" she explains and he nods "you want me to go and get him now" he asks and she nods.

"Hudson" Malcom asks walking into the room. "Yes dad" he asks "me and mum would like to talk to you" Malcom asks "okay" he sad getting off the bed walking down with her farther.

When Hudson saw his mother he knew what they wanted to speak to him about.

"Hudson when did you have sex" Ariana asks "2 days ago" he mumbles "Hudson, I know you used protection" Ariana says and he looks at her "but you shouldn't have stolen dads" she explains "I'm sorry" he says "I was embarrassed to ask that why I didn't" he mutters "I'm disappointed because you've had sex but I can't stop you" Ariana explains "I'm sorry mum" Hudson says. He never wanted to intentionally disappoint his mum.

"Right that's it" Ariana says and he nods walking up the stairs. "Baby girl" Malcom calls and Ariana goes to see what's going on "I have no idea what to do" Malcom asks "you just stir it" she giggles.

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