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"Hudson" Ava wakes up shaking Hudson. "What's wrong" Hudson asks "my waters" Ava says "who you want my mum or dad" Hudson asks "your mum" Ava says pants to try and gain her breath.

"Mum" Hudson shakes her "what" Ariana asks having to come out of the cuddle she was In "Ava's waters have broke" Hudson says and Ariana jumps off the bed and goes to Hudson's room.

"Ava sweetheart breath" Ariana says turning on the bedroom light. "Come on let's get you downstairs" Ariana helps her up and helps her down the stairs. "How do you feel" Ariana asks her "like he's about to come" Ava sobs.

"Hudson call an ambulance just in case" Ariana says. "Ava sweetheart I'm going to have to take your pants off okay" She explains and Ava nods. Ariana wanted to ensure that Ava knew what she was doing to keep her calm.

"They want to talk to you" Hudson says handing her the phone. Ariana takes the phone "hello" Ariana says. "Ariana right" the women asks "yes" Ariana says.

"Hudson try calm her down" Ariana says and he nods sitting next to her and whispering things to her.

"Ahhh" Ava lets out a scream "breathe" Hudson does breaths with her.

"How far away are her contractions" the lady over the phone asks "not Long" Ariana says "I don't think she'll make it to the ambulance arrives" Ariana says "okay tell Ava to get in a position she comfortable in to give birth" she explains.

"Ava sweetheart" Ariana says and she looks up to her "I want you to get in a position your comfortable in" Ariana says and Ava moves. "I feel bad" Ava pouts "don't be it's okay are you okay like that" Ariana asks and she nods

"You will need some towels to dry the baby down" She explains "Hudson go and get some towels" Ariana asks and he nods. Ariana takes Ava's hand while Hudson went away keeping her calm. "Ava is you want Hudson here he can be" Ariana says and she shakes her head "I want Hudson at the side" Ava pants and Ariana nods.

Ariana washes her hands "tell Ava when it feels right to push, don't encourage her to push if she isn't ready" she explains "okay" Ariana says.

"I need to push" Ava cries "okay do what you feel is best" Ariana says. "When the baby's head is viable place your hand gently there to help guid the baby out don't pull just guide" she explains.

"Your doing great Ava" Ariana smiles to her. "I want him out" Ava cries "soon princess soon" Hudson rubs her back. "I see the head" Ariana tells Ava making her sighs.

"One or two more" Ariana says and Ava nods pushing as Ariana guides the baby out. Ariana dries the baby off and Hudson takes of Ava's top as Ariana lays their baby boy on her chest. "Is the baby okay" the lady over the phone asks "he's fine" Ariana says.

"The ambulance should be there soon" she says "okay" Ariana says listening to the final instruction before hanging up.

"He's beautiful" Ariana coos. "What's going on down here" Malcom asks sleepily rubbing his eyes "Ava just had her little baby boy" Ariana smiles "here in our front room" Malcom asks "yes" Ariana giggles washing her hands.

The paramedics checked both the baby and Ava over making sure they were okay as they cut the cord.

"Your Baby Weighs 5.6lb" the paramedic states and Ariana nods. "Do they have to come hospital" Ariana yawns and he shakes her head "there both okay" he smiles and Ariana nods.

"Well considering it's 7am I might as well stay awake" Ariana chuckles. She smiles at Ava feeding her little boy.

"I can do it this time" Ava giggles "you can" Ariana smiles. "Harry Noah" Ava smiles "that's a cute name" Ariana smiles making her self a coffee.

"Daddy" Mia smiles walking down the stairs. "Want to me your brother" Hudson smiles and she nods and comes down the stairs on her bum making her giggle.

Mia runs over to him and sits on his lap. "What name" Mia asks "Harry" Hudson says. "Mummy okay" Mia asks and Ava nods "mummy's okay" Ava kisses her head.

"Ava sweetheart why don't you go and have a sleep and I'll look after Harry" Ariana smiles "I'm okay" Ava smiles hugging Mia.

"I love you Mummy" Mia smiles "I love you too" Ava tells her. "You sure you look tired" Ariana says "one hour" Ava says to Ariana and she nods taking her grandchild out of Ava's hand.

"There's bottles made up in the fridge" Ava says and Ariana nods "don't worry I'll sort everything" Ariana smiles to her kissing her head. "Mia princess come on" Ava takes her hand "I want to stay with Nonna" Mia pouts "I'm loved she can stay" Ariana says and she nods going up to bed.

"Wow when did Ava give birth" Ella asks "this morning" Ariana chuckles hugging her baby girl. "Where's dad" Ella asks "Katie had a doctors appointment and he said he would take her since I've been up with Ava" Ariana smiles and she nods.

Ariana rocked the little baby Harry to sleep before placing him in his basket before fussing over Mia. "Where's Daddy" Mia ask "I'm not actually sure" Ariana says "he's in Harry's room" Ella says "Urm who said you could have one of those" Ariana says as Ella comes out with a can of coke "please" Ella asks "fine" Ariana sighs.


Book 3 is called The Love that goes on and is up now!!

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