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"Would you like to come and see your baby girl" the nurse asks and Ariana and Malcom nod. "Then you can go home" she smiles and Ariana nods.

Ariana and Malcom walk to intensive care and are shown their baby girl. "She looks ugly" Malcom chuckles "you can't say that" Ariana slaps him "well she's beautiful but she's looks wired" he pouts "that's because she came very early" Ariana giggles.

Ariana and Malcom spend about 5 minutes with their baby girl. "Any names" the intensive care staff asks picking up the whiteboard. "Urm can I write it" Ariana asks and she nods handing Ariana the whiteboard.

Katie Grace McCormick.

"That's a beautiful name" she smiles "thank you" Malcom smiles before they decided to leave for the day. Ariana was tired and she didn't fancy sleeping In a hospital bed.

As they arrived home Ava ran inside. "NO" Ava screams making Ariana and Malcom both run inside. They got to Mia's room where Ava was on the floor in floods of tears.

Ariana bends down to her and goes to pick her up but Malcom stopped her. "I'll do it" Malcom points to the chair and Ariana sat down. Malcom picked up Ava off the floor and placed her on the chair with Ariana. "What's happened sweetheart" Ariana asks "what does the note say" Ariana asks again.

Ava, I'm sorry But I have taken Mia with me. I need some space. I know what I have done is wrong but I need some time to focus on myself. I wouldn't have taken Mia but I didn't want to leave her. I'm sorry Ava. I love you x

"Ava I'm so sorry" Ariana holds her "my baby girl" she sobs. "He will be back" Ariana tells her. Ariana couldn't believe that her son could be like this.

"Malcom try calling him" Ariana asks trying to calm Ava down. Ariana goes and gets Ava a drink of water before going back to hold her.

"Where are you" Malcom asks as Hudson answers his phone "it doesn't matter" Hudson huffs "yes it does Hudson, you have your daughter which is still on breast milk" Malcom spits walking away from Ariana and Ava.

"Mia is fine, I wouldn't have took her but Ava decided she wanted to go with you" Hudson says "Hudson tell me where you are I'm coming to get you" Malcom says "no I need some time, what I did was wrong and I cat forgive myself" Hudson tells his dad. "Hudson you can have time but at least bring back Mia not for Mine and Ariana sake for the mothers sake. Ava is crying her eyes out because she wants to know her baby girl is safe" Malcom frowns.

"Is mum okay" he asks "yes she's fine and your sister is okay but is in intensive care" Malcom sighs "tell mum I'm sorry" Hudson asks "HUDSON, you can tell Mum your self that your sorry" Malcom tries to keep his anger "I'm sorry" Hudson says "if you want to know what I think, I think your selfish" Malcom says before ending the call.

"What did he say" Ariana asks walking out of their bedroom "why you in our room I thought you were with Ava" he asks "Ava's in our bed" Ariana hugs him. "Hudson said he need some space and said that Mia is okay" Malcom sighs "is he coming home" Ariana asks "he said no" Malcom Sighs.

"What's gotten into him" Ariana asks "I don't know but we will get down to the bottom of it" Malcom tells her and she nods kissing his lips.

"How is Ava" he asks "I've got her to go to sleep" Ariana tells him. "I feel so bad for her" Malcom pouts "me too, I didn't think Hudson would be like that" Ariana says "something happened to make him go like that" Ariana says "I know" Malcom holds his girl.

"You need to rest baby girl why don't you go and get in with Ava" he suggests "where will you sleep" she asks him "in the same bed if you and Ava get in on your side and I'll sleep my side so your at in the middle" Malcom tells her and she nods.

Ariana walks to get changed and get in the middle of the bed falling asleep next to Ava.

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