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"Not what I expected to walk into my bedroom seeing" Malcom moans as he sees Ariana getting herself off. Ariana blushes and covers her self "awe baby don't cover your self let me see" Malcom pouts. "Shut the fucking door" Ariana pants. Malcom does and walks over to her.

"My baby didn't cum" he smirks pulling her to the end off the bed "oh fuck" Ariana moans "I haven't even touched you" he chuckles "baby" Ariana moans in frustration.

"Your mums loud" Ava chuckles "don't talk about my mum like that" Hudson says "I'm sorry" Ava pouts "your loud to" Hudson giggles making Ava blush.

"Fuck sake mother" Hudson huffs getting off the bed and chucking a shoe at their door. "Is that what you normally do" Ava giggles and he nods "they do my head in" Hudson huffs. "It normally works" He smiles as Ava and Hudson cuddle up together.

"I'll go" Hudson smiles as Mia cries "but you can't feed" Ava pouts "it's okay my baby get comfy" he smiles asking off.

Hudson picks Mia up and smiles before taking her through to his bedroom. Ava smiles taking her off him and lifting up her top.

"I can't do it" Ava sobs "it's okay, you'll learn" Hudson rubs her back repeating what Ariana has told her. "I really can't" Ava cries handing Mia to Hudson and walking to the bathroom.

Hudson placed the screaming baby in the bouncer while he went out the room. "Mum" he knocks on the bedroom door. "Come in" Ariana calls. Hudson walks in to see his mum and dad covered under the sheets "Ava's upset" Hudson sighs "why" she ask "she can't feed" he pouts. "Alright I'll be out in a second" Ariana nods and Hudson leaves the room.

Hudson walks back to his own and holds Mia in his arms.

"Where is she" Ariana asks "bathroom" he tells her and she nods. "Ava" Ariana walks into the bathroom "I can't do it" Ava sobs "come on you can" Ariana leads her to the bed. Ariana takes Mia and Ava lifts up her top before Ariana handed Mia to her and watch what she did.

Ariana slides down behind Ava and helped her. Hudson watched what his mother did wanting to ensure that he could help Ava. After all she was his girl.

"I want to see my grandchild" Ariana hears out the door "well your not going in" Malcom shouts. Ariana was still half naked which Hudson and Ava were used to by now and Ava had nothing in but underwear.

Ava's mum comes through the door and Ava starts to cry. "Why is Ariana sat behind you naked" she asks "she isn't" Ava says. Hudson grabbed a blanket and covered his mum. "GET OFF MY BABY" Ava cries as the women she called mother took the baby.

"AND JUST WHEN I WAS FUCKIG FEEDING"Ava screams. "Who's going" Ariana asks "I'll go" Hudson gives his mum a smile before following Ava.

Malcom chucked Ariana a top and Ariana put it over her self feeling embarrassed. She didn't mind anyone seeing her how she was that was actually in the house because they were all used to it but for someone just to walk in made her feel uncomfortable.

Ariana took Mia from the mother. "Get off my grandchild" she scolds her "she's my grandchild to" Ariana grabs the Moses blanket and puts it over her shoulder winding Mia.

Jo pushes Ariana in the stomach causing Ariana to fall on the bed. "YOU FUCKIG IDIOT SHES PREGNANT AND THAT POOR BABY" Malcom grabs Jo. Ariana sat up holding Mia. Luckily Ariana hand a tight grip which she kept as she fell.

"MUM" Ava starts to cry even more. "Sorry baby girl come on your coming home." Jo tells her "NO" Ava pulls her arm away from her rubbing over to Ariana to see if she was okay.

"MUM LEAVE" Ava says feeling heart break for Ariana. Ava takes Mia out of her arms and hands her to Hudson.

"GET OUT" Malcom grabs her "you could have hurt your grandchild" Malcom leads her to the door "I HOPE SHE LOOSES THE FCKING BABY" Jo laughs before leaving.

"Ariana are you alright" Ava asks "my back hurts" Ariana says "I'll be okay" she smiles at Ava. Ariana hugs her before standing up.

"MALCOM" Ava calls "Ariana baby girl" he picks her up "Let's get you a nice hot bath to ease your back pain" Malcom tells Ariana.

"Is she okay" Ava asks "yup she's smiling at me" Hudson smiles. "I feel bad" Ava pouts "why" Hudson sits her down "because Ariana kept our baby girl uninjured but she's injured" Ava pouts "it's okay Ava" Hudson rubs her back "she was helping you, she knows you don't like your mum and she will do anything for you" Hudson tells her placing Mia on the bed where she's always happy before pulling her into a hug. "I wish I had a mum like yours" Ava sobs. Hudson rocks them.

"Ava" Malcom says. "Is she alright" Ava asks "she's fine Ava are you okay" he ask "what about Mia is she ok" he asks "Mia is" she tells him. "Dad can you leave us alone" Hudson asks "of course" he gives his son a saddened smile.

Ava stands up and takes their baby girl and puts her in the cot before going back to Hudson. Ava sits on his lap and cries into his chest. Hudson did everything he could to calm her down.

"Ariana sweetheart" Malcom walks into the bathroom "hi baby's" Ariana smiles getting changed "Ava's really upset" he sighs "I'll go to her once I'm changed" Ariana tells him kissing his lips "how's your back" he asks "alright now" Ariana smiles.

"Wait Malcom" Ariana asks "yes sweetheart" he asks "am I bad because I was in their room in panties and a bra" Ariana asks "Ariana you do that all the time, they don't mind, if they didn't like it they would really you" Malcom rubs her arm and she nods.

"Ava sweetheart" Ariana's heart broke. Ava jumps off Hudson and runs to Ariana. "I'm so glad your okay" Ava hugs her "I'm okay" Ariana rubs her back.

"You shouldn't be worrying about me you have a little girl to be worrying about" Ariana tells her "I know, but she's okay but you got hurt" Ava pouts.

Hudson gets up and hugs him mum.

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