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Ariana smiles as soon as she opens her eyes, today was the day she got to see Malcom.

Ariana went and had a shower and got changed into some jeans and a top. "Girls" Ariana asks "muuuummmmm" Ella whines "Ella I'm your mother" Ariana chuckles closing the door. After a few minutes Ella calls to her mum saying it's okay to come in.

"How are you two this morning" Ariana asks "we're good, you going to see dad today" Ella asks and Ariana nods "Can you tell dad I love him" she asks "I will baby girl" Ariana pecks her forehead.

"Hudson" Ariana knocks on his door "come in" he calls. Ariana gently opened the door and smiles. "Nooo I want to pick" Ava giggles pinning Hudson down "fine" he hands her the remote.

"What you want mum" he asks smiling as Ava flicks through some movies. "I just wanted to see if your alright" Ariana smiles "I'm fine, mum you have to go other wise you'll miss dad" he smiles "okay have fun" Ariana chuckles closing his bedroom door.

Ariana gets in the car and drives to the station. "Ariana this way" the officer smiles leading Ariana into the visiting room. Her leg was trembling. She didn't know why but she was nervous.

Everyone was coming through the door and sitting with their family. The more people that came through made Ariana more excited to see her baby.

He walks through the door and Ariana smiles. Ariana stands up and Malcom embraces her in a hug. "I love you" she sobs "I love you too" he rubs her back as he sits her down.

"I'm sorry" Malcom tells her "it's okay babu I knew you would react like that" Ariana shrugs "how the girls" he asks "Ella told me to tell you that she loves you" Ariana gives him a saddened smile "I feel so bad, I shouldn't have reacted in that way, the time my baby girl needs me the most I'm stuck in this place" he pouts "she's doing really well Malcom, she had an interview the other day and she wanted to go alone but after a few minutes she got upset she's dealt with being put under pressure" Ariana tells him leaning over the table. "How are you coping" he asks taking her hand "I miss you" Ariana let's a tear go "baby girl I'm sorry" he responds. "How you feeling about the trial" Ariana asks "nervous. I hope I get to come home but I assaulted the farther so it could go against me" Malcom sighs "you have a really good lawyer so hopefully you'll be cleared" Ariana says.

"What if I do get sent down" he ask "then we will deal with that" Ariana tells him "Ariana you don't understand" Malcom tells her "Malcom I do" Ariana sighs "I could get sent down for 25 years, my children won't need me then" he sobs "Malcom listen to me, we will fight to get you free and if that doesn't work you have good behaviour they can shorten your time but the kids will come and see you" Ariana tells him wiling under his eyes. Ariana looks him in the eye and gives a soft smile "this isn't about the kids is it" Ariana's heart breaks "it's about me, your scared I'll leave you" Ariana holds his hands tighter as he nods "I will never leave you ever." ariana tells him leaving further over the table to places a gentle kiss on his lips.

The second her lips touched his she couldn't help but cry. His lips were home but soon that home was going to be gone as she was going back to an empty bed.

"What's happening with Sophia" Malcom asks "I don't know but I feel bad but I do know that she can stay with us" Ariana says "how come" Malcom asks "Ella doesn't want her to stay. She's been in with me the last few nigh because Sophia is keeping her awake because she takes too much room on her bed" Ariana giggles "oh and we also have to buy her a new mattress since I promised her it" Ariana giggles "that can be sorted" he chuckles.

"Did Hudson not want to say anything" Malcom asks "Ava was attacking him for the remote when I went in, he loves you but he didn't want you to worry about him because that's not what you should be worrying about" Ariana tells him and he nods.

"1 minute left" the officer announces. "I want you to focus on the positive and be proud of your daughter as she stands up in that court room and speaks. I want to be proud of you" Ariana tells him "I will, I will be thinking of my family the whole time" Malcom smiles "I love you" Ariana says "I love you too" Malcom reposed placing his lips on hers once more.

"Ariana it's time" the officer gives her a saddened smile. Ariana stands up as well did Malcom and hugs her. "I love you princess" he sobs as he watches her walk out.

Malcom was escorted back to his cell where it was cold and lonely. He wanted to get out of here to be with his family to be where he should. To make his girl that he fell in love with at the age of 16 feel good and special. He wanted everything. He hadn't realised how much he had taken for granted but once he had re-evaluated his life during the lonely isolated time, he realised he had made the worst mistake of his life using anger against the farther. Malcom never realised how much he loved Ariana. He knew that he loved her a lot but this love was even more, it was like it didn't fit on the scale, their love was infinite and would never end.

Their sexual attraction hasn't changed. Their physical attraction hasn't changed. Nothing about their relationship had change apart from one stupid action that made them separate.

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