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Ariana made sure that the girls were okay before turning off the light. Ariana had never seen her daughter so scared in her life.

Ariana was nervous, not for what would happen with the girls how Malcom would react. Ella had always been a daddy's girl and Malcom was always so protective over her.

"Baby" he gently calls through the house. Ariana walks down the stairs and Malcom looks at her "what's with the face" he asks "sit down" she says and he looks confused but does as she says.

"How did it go with Sophia" he asks "not like I would have liked it to have gone" Ariana explains "Ariana what happened" he ask "Sophia's dad has touched Ella" she sobs "YOU FUCKING WHAT I WANT TO KILL THIS FUCKIN BASTARD" Malcom spits pushing Ariana off him. "Malcom" Ariana cries.

Malcom runs up the stairs and into Ella's room. "Ella" he asks "I'm sorry" Ella says "it's okay baby girl daddy's going to sort it" he pecks her head before leaving the room and going out the house. "Malcom" Ariana's eyes go wide. "Mum what's going on" Hudson ask "I'm need to go I'm sorry" Ariana runs out the house after her husband.

"Hudson" Ella sobs "come here" he opens his arms. "Ava can you go and see if Sophia is okay" he ask and Ava nods. "Where mum and dad" she asks "dad stormed out and mum went after him" Hudson replies a little confused.

"Ella what happened" he ask "Sophia's dad touched me" she shakes against him. "Oh Ella I'm sorry" Hudson replies rubbing her back. "Hudson I think it's best if I go home" Ava says "you can stay if you want Ava" Hudson says "I don't want to get in the way. I know how much Ella means to you and she's upset the last thing she wants is me here" she explains and he nods.

They share a hug and a small peck on the lips before Ava left the house.

"Want to come and sleep with me"
He ask Ella "I want to sleep in mummy's bed" she sobs "okay" he role is taking her up the stairs and helping her into Ariana's bed. "Call me if you need anything" he says an she nods "I will" she smiles weakly.

"Sophia" Hudson asks "I didn't mean to break you family" she sobs "it's okay" he tells her "your always welcome to stay" he tells her "you okay do you need anything" he asks and she shakes her head and he nods going down and turning on the tv while he waited for his parents to get back.

"Malcom no" Ariana pants catching up to her. "He hurt my fucking daughter no one does that" he spits. He knocks on the door and Sophia's mum answers "where is this bastard" Malcom walks into the house "get out" the mother says pushing him out. "Where's my daughter" she ask "Get her farther out her now" Malcom spits not budging.

As soon as Malcom saw the farther, he threw a punch. "Omg" the women gasps "how fucking dare you touch my daughter" Malcom holds him up by the top "what you on about" he asks "we know what's happened don't lie" Malcom punched his face again.

"Malcom, this isn't solving anything" Ariana cries watching him beat the shit of this guy. She hated his guts but this wouldn't resolve anything.

Ariana's eyes go wide as she hears sirens. "Baby" Ariana sobs. Malcom was dragged away from the farther and put in handcuffs. Ariana runs over to him "baby" she cries "I'm sorry" he tells her. Ariana kissed his lips before he was taken away. "Wait can I have the car keys" Ariana asks and he nods throwing them her.

Ariana got in the car driving away. She pulled up on their drive before gently opening the door.

"Mum" Hudson runs up to her hugging her "what happened" he asks taking in her face which was red from crying. "Dads beat up Sophia's dad and he's been arrested" Ariana sobs. Hudson rubs her back.

"Ella's in your bed" Hudson tells her and she nods "sit down I'll get you a drink" Hudson tells her guiding his distressed mother to the sofa.

Hudson disappears into the kitchen to get some water before bringing it backs to Ariana.

"Thank you" Ariana smiles gently at her son. "Everything will be alright right" Hudson asks "I hope so" she frowns.

"Where's Ava" Ariana asks confused "she went home when Ella cane down crying her eyes out" he says and she nods. "I'm going to go up to bed" Ariana sighs and he nods.

Ariana walks up to her room where he daughter was sprawled across the bed. Ariana couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. She moves her over to Malcom's side and slides in next to her wrapping her in her arms before falling to sleep.

Ariana was sort of glad Ella was in her bed since she knew she was safe and she had someone to cuddle.

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