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"Ariana, your needed at the station" the police office says. "Okay what about the kids" Ariana asks "how old is the oldest" they ask "14" Ariana smiles "Can he" they asks and Ariana nods calling up to Hudson to ask him to watch Ella and Sophia.

Ariana follows the police officer to the car and gets in. Ariana let's out a sigh. She wanted her husband but she knew she couldn't always get her own way.

Once they had arrived Ariana was taken into a room where she awaited to be seen. She was nervous, she didn't know what this was about, it could have been two options what happened between Malcom and they guy or what happens at all.

"Okay Ariana" the officer smiles walking in "Okay" Ariana says looking at them. "Malcom has explained what happened but he doesn't know exactly what happened" he explains and Ariana nods

"What you want to know" Ariana asks "Malcom said that  Mr Rob swing touched your daughter inappropriately" he ask and Ariana nods "how" he asks "I got told that when Ella was at her friend Sophia's house her dad touched her but Sophia managed to get him off her Wichita ended up leading to her getting raped" Ariana explains "is Sophia the girl that turned up at your house" he ask and Ariana nods.

"Can you explain what happened that night" he ask and Ariana nods. "Ella woke me up at midnight and told me to follow her which I did. She shows me her phone screen which was Sophia asking for help. I ran down the stairs opened the door where Sophia was crying and wet. I let her in helped her change which I found marks all over her body. I don't question it till the next morning where she told me that her dad abused her and she locked her self in the bathroom before she told me about Ella." Ariana rambles "is that it" he asks "I went to pick Ella up from school in tears but the school wouldn't let me for a while but they eventually did. Ella explained what happened to me and she was so upset because she thought I was mad because she didn't tell me." Ariana says and he nods taking notes "I told Malcom and he just flipped out" Ariana explains.

"Can I go home" Ariana asks and he nods "bye" Ariana sighs walking out getting a taxi home.

Ariana walks in the house where Ella was sat eating popcorn with Sophia watching a movie. "Hi girls" Ariana smiles. Ella looks at her mother smiles before getting upset. "Hey hey it's okay" Ariana hugs her "I thought daddy was going to be with you" she pouts "daddy will be home in a few days" Ariana says and she nods.

"Where's Hudson" Ariana asks "in his room crying" Ella says and Ariana nods walking up the stairs. "Hudson" Ariana gently knocks on the door "come in" he sniffs.

Ariana walks in and sits on his bed "What is the matter" Ariana asks pulling her son into her lap.

"What happened" Ariana asks "Ava" he sobs making her heart break. "What happened" she asks as he sobs on her lap. "She wanted to see me but I didn't know and now she thinks I hate her and don't love her any more" he sobs "oh sweetie everything will be okay" Ariana tells her "mum you don't understand" he says "oh I do" Ariana pecks his forehead "I'll be back in a second" Ariana smiles walking out the room.

"Ariana" Ava answers the phone "please come round" she asks "why Hudson didn't want me" she asks, Ariana could hear the sadness in her voice "Ava he really does, he was just scared he would upset me" Ariana respond "okay I'll be over soon"Ava tells her.

Ariana walks back into Hudson bedroom "clean your self up you have a visitor into 30" Ariana tells him and he nods not wanting to ask who since he really could be bothered since all he wanted was to see his girlfriend who he fell in love with 2 years ago.

"Shh" Ariana tells Ava. "What" she asks confused "I want to apologise" Ariana says "what for Ariana you have done nothing wrong" she asks confused "Hudson was upset before because his dads been arrested okay, I got taken for questions and he didn't want me to be upset because seeing you together" Ariana explains "I feel bad now" Ava pouts "just comfort him, he's really feeling left out at the minute and keep the noise down or watch a film the girls are a sleep" Ariana asks nicely and Ava nods "oh and he doesn't know your here" Ariana giggles "such a nice mother" she giggles.

"Hudson" Ava walks into his bedroom "Ava" he smiles "hi beautiful boy" she giggles "I thought you didn't" Ava chuckles "I'm sorry" she giggles getting on the bed cuddling into the sheets "what film" she asks "any you pick" he chuckles "what about pitch perfect" she suggests "sure" he shrugs putting it on before climbing into the bed as they both cuddle up.

Ariana cleaned the mess from the kids and tidied the kitchen before grabbing a bottle of water and having a sip.

She walks up the stairs and into Hudson's room where she smiles at them both cuddled up together fast asleep while the film was still playing.

She might have been disappointed in him but she really could see that they both really liked each other.

Ariana turned off the tv and closed his bedroom doo as she got into bed her sled falling on to empty sheets. She looked to the side where Malcom would normally be and sighed. She got up and went to the wardrobe picking up one of Malcom's tops sliding it over her head before getting in bed again sleeping on Malcom's side. As the scent of her beautiful husband was all she smelt which sent her to sleep.

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