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"Ava your able to go home" the nurse smiles after tests. "I have no pants" Ava pouts "it's okay I'll carry you and put Hudson jacket over that area" Ariana smiles. "It's freezing" Hudson pouts "and your girl has no pants on" Ariana says. Hudson nods placing Mia in the car seat and taking off his jacket.

Ariana knew that Hudson would want to carry Mia so there wasn't even any point asking if he wanted to carry her.

Ariana picks her up and carvers her waist for some dignity before carrying her out to the car. "Mum can I have some help" Hudson asks "other way" Ariana tells him making him make a blank face. Ariana walks round. "If your getting in the back with Ava its going to be cramped" Ariana says fastening her in. "My girl needs me" He smiles and Ariana nods going in the boot for a blanket. Ariana hands it Hudson and he puts it around Ava.

"Dads text me and told me there's been a crash" Ariana sighs "is everyone okay with an hour and a half drive" Ariana asks "well be fine" Hudson smiles at his mum.

Ariana starts to drive home the long way but it was better than waiting with all the traffic at the crash.

"Hudson" Ava yawns "yes my girl" he asks rubbing her arm "I love you" She smiles "I love you too" Hudson pecks her lips "no make out session in the back of the car please" Ariana chuckles.

"I'm joking" Ariana giggles loving them interacting with each other. Ava lays her head on his shoulder "urm Ariana" Ava asks "yes sweetie" Ariana asks looking at her since they were at a red light. "I'm hungry" Ava pouts "there's a food court ahead we will stop okay" Ariana suggests and she nods.

"Were a family" Hudson holds Ava "I know"Ava smiles "I never would have thought I would be happy about having Mia" Ava admits "your were scared" Hudson tells her rubbing her back.

"You smell nice" Ava giggles "how can I smell nice I've done nothing" he chuckles "you always smell good" Ava smiles "how's Mia" she asks "she's sleeping" Hudson looks to his baby girl. 

Ariana hands Ava and Hudson something to eat and they both eat cuddled up together.

Ariana arrived home where Ava and Hudson were asleep. Ariana smiles and took a photo of them before gently tali Mia out he car. She didn't mind leaving them in the car but it was a little chilly for a baby.

"Want to meet your grand daughter" Ariana asks "she's so cute" Malcom coos "I don't know what they want doing with her so I'm leaving her sleep Ariana smiles kissing Malcolm's lips.

"Where are they" Malcom asks following Ariana into the kitchen "asleep in the car" Ariana smiles. "How was her labour" Malcom asks wrapping Ariana in a hug "she did well" Ariana smiles "Hudson was supportive and Ava didn't give up" Ariana explains and he nods.

"Is Ella in her room" Ariana asks "she was in the garden before lifting cane home" he smiles.

"Hi mum" Ella smiles "hi baby girl what you doing" Ariana asks "I don't know I was bored so I came out here" She giggles "want to come and see you niece" Ariana asks "she's born" Ella asks her face lighting up. Ariana nods.

Ella goes in side and sits down in front of the baby "she's cute" Ella smiles "she is" Ariana smiles.

"How are you feeling baby" Malcom asks "I'm good" Ariana smiles "how about you feeling about the baby" he asks "which one" Ariana asks "this one" he places her hands on her stomach "alright maybe a baby wouldn't hurt" Ariana smiles.

Ella disappears upstairs before coming straight back down "Mum dad" Ella asks "yes baby girl" Malcom asks "can I go cinema" she asks "who with" Ariana asks "the girls" She smiles "okay that's fine" Malcom smiles.

Hudson carries Ava into the house and placed her on the sofa. "Why did you let us sleep" Hudson yawns "because you looked cute" Ariana giggles.

"How come you didn't get Mia out" Hudson asks picking his baby girl up "because she was sleeping" Ariana says. "She still is" Hudson giggles carrying her up the stairs and placing her in her cot.

Hudson goes back down the stairs and hugs his mum. "Thank you" he whispers "it's alright" Ariana rubs his back.

"Baby" Malcom huffs "What" Ariana asks "can you tell our daughter she is going to the cinema and not a strip club" he pouts "she won't listen to me" Malcom huffs "Okay" Ariana pecks Hudsons forehead before walking up the stairs.

"Ella baby" Ariana asks "yes mama" she asks "please put some other clothes on" Ariana asks "but why" she whines "because baby, the outfit your wearing the boys will love" Ariana says "and" she asks "boys shouldn't love you for your body and boys think differently than us" Ariana tells her "no they don't" Ella says "they do, boys shouldn't be looking at 12 year old like that" Ariana tried to reason with her "all my friends wear stuff like this" Ella pouts "Ella your not a slag" Ariana spits "I don't want my 12 year old daughter to be fucked by a boy because that's what they want, BUT FINE IF YOU WANT TO DRESS LIKE THAY DON'T COME CRYING TO ME" Ariana says walking out the room.

"Baby" Malcom grabs her and holds her as she cries into his chest "I just don't want her to get hurt but she's not listening" Ariana sobs.

"Ella" Hudson asks walking into the bedroom "go away" Ella sobs "Ella" he sits her down "is it true" she asks. Hudson pulls her into a hug "is what true" he asks "I look like a slag" she sobs "Ella, if Ava dressed like you were now how do you think I would feel" he asks "not good" she wipes her eyes. "Ella you have to understand that mum doesn't want you to get hurt, it will break her heart, I don't want you to get hurt because your my baby sister" Hudson rocks them. "You think of I go out like this I will get hurt" Ella asks and Hudson nods. "Okay" Ella says.

"Ariana, Where's Hudson" Ava yawns "he's in Ella's room" Ariana smiles "why he's never in there" she asks super confused "she was dressed inappropriately and me and Malcom tried but she wasn't listening" Ariana smiles at her and she nods

"Mums she's changing" Hudson smiles "what how did you get her to" Ariana asks shocked "I brought Ava into it" he chuckles "you what" Ava spits out her drink

"Sorry" Hudson wraps his arm around her "that's better" Ariana smiles "sorry mum" Ella gives her a hug.

Malcom comes down and looks confused "Hudson can parent better than us" Ariana chuckles "looks like you have no problem with how your daughter going to dress" he tells Ava "I know I found a good one" Ava giggles kissing his lips. "See we patented him well"

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