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Malcom woke up at his mums house and wet downstairs "Malcom you need to go and see her"she sighs "she didn't want my children" he sighs "Malcom hunny, she's upset because she's pregnant" Karen explains. Malcom nods "Malcom you have to understand that she's the one that carries the baby and the amount of stress that causes. Malcom you have to understand how stressed she got before she had Ella" Karen explains "I know but she blamed me" he sighs "that would have just been in the heat of the moment." Karen sighs

"It's been a week Malcom, you can't stay here forever you have to make up sometime. Your children will miss you too" Karen says "your right" Malcom says standing up. "I love you mum" Malcom kisses her check.

Malcom made his way back to the house and unlocked the door. The house was silent. He walks up the bedroom where Ariana was sleeping.

Just seeing her made him smile. He walked over and bend down next to her "Ariana" he asks causing her to open her eyes and throws up over Malcom. "Shit sorry" Ariana says jumping up and running to the bathroom. Malcom follows her and holds back her hair.

Ariana throws up in the toilet before standing up and brushing her teeth. "Ariana" he asks "mhm" Ariana hums "we need to talk" he says and Ariana nods.

"I'm sorry I said what I said" Ariana says "I'm sorry for what I said" Malcom reply's. Ariana and Malcom spent and hour talking and had sorted things out. They hated being mad at each other, they were always used to being loved up. They hardly ever argued.

*** (2 days later)
"Mum" Hudson shakes his mother. "What" Ariana asks sitting up looking at the time noticing it's 2am. "It's Ava" he says. Ariana gets out of bed and goes with Hudson.

"Ava" Ariana says "it hurts" Ava cries "lets get you to hospital" Ariana suggests and she nods. "MALCOM" Ariana screams causing him to run into the room. "We need to get her to hospital" Ariana says and he nods picking her up.

He carries her down to the car and Hudson climbs in next to her. "Ava have your waters broke" Ariana asks and she shakes her head.

"Ella chose a good night to have a sleep over" Malcom tells Ariana "I know" Ariana smiles.

As they arrive at the hospital Malcom carries Ava up to the room the were allocated. "Sorry" Ava clutches her stomach as her waters break on Malcom "it's okay" Malcom tells her as he places her down.

"Ahhh" Ava cries. "I'm going to leave you" Malcom says "you sure baby you can stay" Ariana pecks his lips "I think it's best for Ava" he says and Ariana nods.

"Ava you need to breathe" Ariana tells her. "How can I" Ava asks "Ava I know what this feels like I've done it but it will be worth it I promise" Ariana tells her taking her hand. As her contraction passes Ava calms down.

"Alright Ava we would like you to get in this gown so we can check how far you are" her midwife asks and Ava nods.

"Hudson" Ariana says and he jumps back into reality. "Sorry" he pouts. "Help your girl will you" Ariana says. Hudson helps Ava off the bed and helps her undress as Ariana hands him the gown. He pecks her lips before helping her back up.

Ava was handed gas and air as she huffs on it. "Aaahhhhh fuuuucck" Ava cries. "Ava heels together legs apart please" her midwife asks. Ava does as she asks as the midwife puts on some gloves and checks how far she was. "Ow" Ariana clasps Ariana's arm "why does that hurt" Ava asks making Ariana giggle "it just does" Ariana tells her "your 6cm we will check you again in about 10-15 minutes" she smiles and Ava nods.

"Hudson get a damp flannel" Ariana asks "okay" Hudson says getting what she was asked "hold it on her head and tell her how proud you are" Ariana says feeling a little awkward.

"Is trying to think what dad did with me" Ariana sighs "aghhhhhh" Ava leans forward "it's so bad" Ava cries. "It will be over soon" Ariana rubs her arm.

After 6 hours of labour she was fully dilated. "Come on Ava" Hudson encourages as she pushes. Hudson looks and Ava slaps him "what" he chuckles "not like I haven't seen it before" Hudson chuckles "way too much detail" Ariana says "this is not funny" Ava screams pushing.

"The head" Hudson eyes water. "Is he lying" Ava asks "nope" Ariana chuckles "one more Ava" the midwife smiles. Ava pants "come on Ava" Ariana says. Ariana clutched Ariana's and Hudson hand and she pushes.

Ava collapses on to the bed as she hears her baby girl cry. "Well done" Ariana hugs her. "I love you princess" Hudson smiles kissing Ava.

Ariana smiles at her son and his girlfriend. "Here's your little baby girl" the midwife hands Ava the baby. "Omg" Ava smiles "she's beautiful" Hudson smiles. "Congratulations" the midwife smiles.

"If you need some help-." Ava cut her off "I'm sure Ariana will help" Ava tells her and Ariana nods. "So any names" Ariana asks "Mia" Ava smiles "Mia Julia" Hudson looks at Ava "McCormick" Ava smiles at Hudson "you don't have to do that" Hudson says "I want to" Ava smiles.

"Want to hold" Ava asks "yes" Hudson asks. Ava hands him his daughter and Ariana and Ava smiles. Ava hugs Ariana "thank you for being here today" Ava tells her "it's okay" Ariana pecks her forehead.

"What are you" she asks "me" Ariana asks and she nods "grandma nanny" she asks "mums a nonna" Hudson giggles "am i" Ariana giggles "yes you always said you would be a Nonna" Hudson giggles.

Ariana passes Ava the baby bag and Ava smiles taking Mia off Hudson asks she put her in a nappy and a cute baby grow on. "Want to try and feed her" Ariana asks "I don't know how to" Ava pouts "I'll help you" Ariana says climbing on to the bed.

Ariana helps Ava feed Mia while Hudson smiles. He was happy. Beyond happy.

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