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"Morning" Ariana yawns rolling over to face Malcom. "Morning" he pecks her lips. "What happened this morning" he ask "Ava's pregnant" Ariana sighs. Malcom wipes a tear from under her eye and holds her "Is she Okay" he asks "she's upset and hurt" Ariana explains. "Where is she" he asks rubbing Ariana's bed "in the spare room" Ariana gives him a saddened smile.

"Calm down" he tells Ariana "I really didn't want a grandchild just yet" Ariana sobs. "It will be okay" Malcom tells her placing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Have you spoken to Hudson" he asks "no I don't want to" Ariana responds "Ariana he's your son" Malcom pulls her as close as he could. "I don't want to know how is happened. I already know they had sex with out protection" Ariana says cuddling into Malcom's chest "we still need him to explain he has to saw sorry not just to us but to Ava" Malcom explains.

"I'm sorry I wound have told you last night but I didn't want Ava getting to upset having loads of people around her" Ariana explains "it's okay what time did you get in" he asks "3" Ariana smiles and he nods.

Malcom and Ariana stayed cuddled up in each other's arms for a while until Ariana decided that she wanted to get out of bed.

Ariana makes her self a coffee and sits reading through a magazine as Malcom had a shower.

Ariana made a cup of tea and a bowl of fruit before taking it up to Ava. "Here you go" Ariana gives her a saddened smile. "Thank you" she sniffs "how you feeling" Ariana asks "OUT" Ava shouts and Ariana turns around to see and dad looking Hudson walk out the room. "I have no where to live" Ava pouts "you have a room here" Ariana tells her "my mum hates me" Ava sobs crying "does she know already" Ariana asks "Someone told her, they saw me and you in the bench earlier this morning." Ava sighs.

"Ava I want you to know that I'm here for you" Ariana rubs her knee "I know Ariana and I'm grateful for that" Ava smiles at her "I guess I just have to deal with the fact I have a baby growing inside of me" Ava places her hands on her stomach.

"I'm going to talk with Hudson okay" Ariana tells her and she nods. "Baby why you on the floor" Ariana giggles walking out the spare bed room. "I fell over" he sighs "OMG are you alright" Ariana runs over to Malcom.

"I don't know what happened" he says "baby boy" Ariana pecks his forehead "I feel dizzy" he says "your going to bed" Ariana tells him and he sighs and nods.

"I'll get you some water" Ariana tells him and he nods. Ariana walks to get a bottle of water before placing a kiss to Malcom's soft lips.

Ariana knocks on Hudson bedroom door and enters. Hudson looks up to his mother. "Explain and explain now" Ariana says "I don't know" Hudson says "what do you mean you don't know you made her pregnant" Ariana raises her voice. "I'm sorry, I don't know how it happened I have used a condom every time" he says "I swear mum" Hudson says.

"I knew you wanted a family Hudson but I wanted more for you I wanted you to have a life" Ariana sighs "you had a baby at 17 you had me" Hudson says "you gave up your life" he asks "Hudson your 14 you still had a childhood, now you don't because you have to care for that baby I don't care if you don't want to Ava deserves it" Ariana tells him.

Ariana walks out and check on Ella. "You girls alright" Ariana asks "we're fine mum" Ella smiles who is in a circle with her fiends talking about boys.

"Ariana" Ava calls and Ariana walks to the bathroom. "It's okay" Ariana rubs her back as she throws up in the toilet "I threw up on the bed" She says "it's okay I will sort it" Ariana tells her "we need to get you check to see how far you are Hudson swore that he has used protection every time which could suggest that it split" Ariana explains and Ava nods "Can you come with me" she asks "of course, I wouldn't leave you alone" Ariana tells her "you have a shower and get ready" Ariana tells her "I have no clothes or anything" Ava pouts "if your staying here I will buy you some okay" Ariana asks and she nods "I have no where else to go" Ava says "then we get you checked and then we go and buy you some stuff" Ariana suggests "thank you Ariana" Ava smiles "I'll go and get you some shampoo and conditioner" Ariana smiles and Ava nods.

Ariana walks to her bathroom and gets her shampoo and conditioner and takes it back to Ava. "I have some spare clothes in Hudson room" Ava asks "you want me to get them" Ariana asks and she nods.

"Hudson" Ariana ask "yeah" he asks "Ava's asking for her clothes" Ariana tells him "urm" Hudson comes out the bedroom "is she on about her spare or the ones she wore yesterday" he ask "she said spare" Ariana shrugs. Hudson walks to his draw and pulls out Ava's apes clothes.

"Hudson" Ariana asks "yes mum" he ask "she'll come round, let it sink in and she will talk" Ariana tells him seeing the sadness in his face.

Ariana was hurt but she could also see in his face that he really didn't mean for this to happen.

"I'm sorry mum" Hudson says again. Ariana nods before walking to give Ava her clothes.

"Malcom" Ariana giggles "yes princess" he asks. Ariana climbs on the bed as he rolls over. "I'm taking Ava to get checked" Ariana says "okay" he smiles kissing her lips "I'm also taking her to buy a few things, she's been kicked out" Ariana tells him "okay, has she spoken to Hudson yet" Malcom asks "no but if she hasn't by tomorrow I will sit them both down" Ariana says and he nods "I don't want to force her to talk to him because she's upset, I want her to be able to talk to him when she's ready" Ariana tells him and he nods kissing her lips.

Ariana stands up and walks to their closet. Ariana picks out some leggings and a casual top and some trainers.

"I'll be back soon, Ella's okay with her friends" Ariana tells him and he nods "how you feeling now anyway" Ariana asks "just tired" he yawns "why don't you have a nap while I'm Gone" Ariana suggests and he nods.

"Ready" Ava smiles. Ariana smiles grabbing her keys as they make their way to the car.

Once they had arrived at the doctors they had to wait 5 minutes to be seen. "Ariana" Ava asks "yes sweetheart" Ariana am taking her hand calming her down "thank you for everything" Ava tells her "stop thanking me your family, if I can help and support you I will and I want to be here for you, you have just been kicked out and that' difficult and I'm happy to be like a mother figure to help support you" Ariana tells her pulling her into a hug.

"I feel like I'll be judged" Ava pouts "it will be okay" Ariana rubs her back as she was called.

"Ava we would like to ask you a few questions before we examine you" the nurse asks and Ava nods. "How was the baby conceived" she asks "though sex" Ava states the obvious. "I mean was it through-." Ava cuts her off "I'm in a relationship" Ava says and she nods.

"Ava" Ariana chuckles "what Ariana, most people assume young pregnancy are from one night stands or rape" Ava asks "Wait are you two related" the nurse asks as Ava gets on the bed. "Nope" Ava giggles "how do you know each other then" she ask "Ariana is the baby's dad mum" Ava smiles "your so close that doesn't normally happen" the nurse giggles as Ava pulls up her top. "We are" Ariana smiles "how long have you been together with" she and "Hudson, 2 coming up to 3 years" Ava smiles.

"That's my baby" Ava smiles making Ariana smiles seeing Ava smile about a baby "it is" the nurse smiles "your 12 weeks" she smiles "want a photo of the baby" she asks and Ava nods.

Ava sits up and after talking Ariana and Ava went to buy some stuff for Ava. Before going home.

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